Empowering women through participatory rangeland management
Adoption of common bean technologies and its impacts on productivity and household welfare in Ethiopia: Lessons from tropical legumes project
This report presents adoption patterns of common bean varieties with associated technologies and the resultant effects on productivity and household well-being.
Contribution to the reform of Tunisia's policies for pastoral development and restoration of rangelands
Since 2017, ICARDA has been facilitating the transition to improved policies for sustainable management of rangelands in Tunisia. PIM-supported methods and approaches on the quantitative assessment of alternative rangeland governance approaches have been used as inputs into the development of the future new pastoral code.
Ex-ante evaluation of economic impacts of adopting improved forages in the Colombian OrinoquÃa
Forage-based cattle systems play a key role in rural economies of developing countries in terms of food security and poverty alleviation. However, they can generate negative environmental impacts by contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and reduction of biodiversity.
Household farm production diversity and micronutrient intake: Where are the linkages? Panel data evidence from Uganda
Hunger and malnutrition are key global challenges whose understanding is instrumental to their elimination, thus realization of important sustainable development goals (SDGs). However, understanding linkages between farm production diversity (FPD) and household micronutrient intake is important in mapping micronutrient deficiencies and hidden hunger.
The risk of unintended deforestation from scaling sustainable livestock production systems
Silvopastoral systems (SPS)—production systems integrating trees, forages, and livestock within the same land area—are recognized as critical for reducing tropical deforestation and improving livelihoods, ecosystem services, and carbon sinks. Yet, research on how scaling SPS influences forest cover changes at large geographical scales is scant.
Protocol for characterizing community-based rangeland management cases in East Africa and the Sahel
Protocol has been developed, piloted, and revised and is now guiding case studies at additional sites. UPDATE 2021: Protocol has been published. CGIAR research based on the protocol has been published.
PIM research on assessment of rangelands governance informs Tunisia's pastoral code
The pastoral code aims at achieving a more sustainable management of Tunisia's rangelands. The draft code was informed by ICARDA's research on assessment of rangelands governance under PIM.