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Displaying 1321 - 1332 of 2375

“Nothing Is Like It Was Before”: The Dynamics between Land-Use and Land-Cover, and Livelihood Strategies in the Northern Vietnam Borderlands

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2015

Land uses are changing rapidly in Vietnam’s upland northern borderlands. Regional development platforms such as the Greater Mekong Subregion, state-propelled market integration and reforestation programs, and lowland entrepreneurs and migrants are all impacting this frontier landscape. Drawing on a mixed methods approach using remote sensing data from 2000 to 2009 and ethnographic fieldwork, we examine how land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) has occurred across three borderland provinces—Lai Châu, Lào Cai and Hà Giang—with high proportions of ethnic minority semi-subsistence farmers.

Governance of Land Use Planning to Reduce Fire Risk to Homes Mediterranean France and California

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2017

Wildfire is a natural part of forested Mediterranean systems. As humans continue to live and build housing in these areas, wildfire is a constant threat to homes and lives. The goal of this paper is to describe aspects of land-use planning that are used to reduce wildfire risk in institutionally divergent regions; southern France and California.

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics in Relation to Shifting Inundation and Fire Regimes: Disentangling Environmental Variability from Land Management Decisions in a Southern African Transboundary Watershed

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2015

Increasing temperatures and wildfire incidence and decreasing precipitation and river runoff in southern Africa are predicted to have a variety of impacts on the ecology, structure, and function of semi-arid savannas, which provide innumerable livelihood resources for millions of people.

Managing Urban Wellbeing in Rural Areas: The Potential Role of Online Communities to Improve the Financing and Governance of Highly Valued Nature Areas

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2014

The urban and the rural are increasingly interconnected. Rural areas have become places of consumption, as leisure and recreation have become important functions of rural areas. There are also indications that increased urbanisation even leads to a stronger appreciation of green areas situated far beyond city limits. Rural areas with their highly valued natural amenities nowadays seem increasingly to host urban wellbeing, given the positive relation found between green areas and human wellbeing.

Application of Anthromes to Frame Scenario Planning for Landscape-Scale Conservation Decision Making

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2017

Complexities in the rates and patterns of change necessitate the consideration of alternate futures in planning processes. These scenarios, and the inputs and assumptions used to build them, should reflect both ecological and social contexts. Considering the regional landscape as an anthrome, a priori, assumes human needs and institutions have a fundamental role and place in these futures, but that institutions incorporate ecological limits in decision making.

Short-Term Projects versus Adaptive Governance: Conflicting Demands in the Management of Ecological Restoration

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2016

Drawing on a survey of large-scale ecological restoration initiatives, we find that managers face contradictory demands. On the one hand, they have to raise funds from a variety of sources through competitive procedures for individual projects. These projects require the specification of deliverable outputs within a relatively short project period.

Analysis and Prediction of Land Use Changes Related to Invasive Species and Major Driving Forces in the State of Connecticut

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2016

Land use and land cover (LULC) patterns play an important role in the establishment and spread of invasive plants. Understanding LULC changes is useful for early detection and management of land-use change to reduce the spread of invasive species. The primary objective of this study is to analyze and predict LULC changes in Connecticut. LULC maps for 1996, 2001 and 2006 were selected to analyze past land cover changes, and then potential LULC distribution in 2018 was predicted using the Multi-Layer Perceptron Markov Chain (MLP_MC) model.

Land Sector Reforms in Ghana, Kenya and Vietnam: A Comparative Analysis of Their Effectiveness

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2016

The notion that the formal titling and individualization of land rights in developing countries lead to higher investments in land and agricultural productivity holds sway in academic and development circles. In this paper, this notion is analyzed based on a comparative study of land reform programs and their implications for access to land, credit, and agricultural investments in Ghana, Kenya, and Vietnam. It focuses on how different access routes to land influence access to credit, and the transaction costs of land reform programs for agricultural investments.

The Politics of Land Use in the Korup National Park

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2017

Recently, the call to combine land change science (LCS) and political ecology (PE) in the study of human-environment interactions has been widely discussed by scientists from both subfields of geography. In this paper, we use a hybrid ecology framework to examine the effects of conservation policies on the environment and the livelihood of the people of the Korup National Park (KNP). Using techniques in both PE and LCS, our results show that conservation policies, politics, and population are the primary drivers of environmental change in the KNP.

Unfinished business: Kenya’s efforts to address displacement and land issues in Coast Region

Reports & Research
Junio, 2014

The report analyses displacement in Coast region and identifies tensions over land tenure and poor land governance as key triggers, and obstacles to durable solutions. It provides examples of land issues underlying displacement caused by generalised violence, disasters and human rights violations, and establishes a close link between tenure insecurity and forced evictions. Disputes arise from competing land claims and incompatibility between formal and informal tenure systems.

Estratégia nacional de Conservação da Natureza e Biodiversidade ENCNB 2025 (Portugal)

Manuals & Guidelines
Mayo, 2017

A ENCNB é um instrumento fundamental da prossecução da política de ambiente e na resposta às responsabilidades nacionais e internacionais de reduzir a perda de património natural. Avaliações à escala regional e global evidenciam, de modo crescente, que a prosperidade económica e o bem-estar da sociedade são suportados pelo capital natural, o que inclui os ecossistemas naturais e os seus serviços cuja funcionalidade depende, em larga escala, da utilização sustentável e eficiente dos recursos.

Estratégia e Plano de Ação de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional

Manuals & Guidelines
Agosto, 2007

A Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (ESAN II) resulta da evolução da

ESAN I aprovada pelo Governo de Moçambique em 1998, através da Resolução Interna

16/98. A ESAN I foi elaborada na sequência da Cimeira Mundial de Alimentação

(CMA), realizada em Roma em 1996, quando os diversos países se comprometeram a

reduzir a fome para metade até 2015. Este objectivo coincide com o Objectivo número

um do Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM), aprovado na Cimeira do Milénio, em 2000.