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Arrêté ministériel portant certaines dispositions d'exécution relatives aux techniques de mesure de l'azote potentiellement lessivable et au "survey surfaces agricoles".

Europa occidental

Le présent arrêté est relatif aux techniques de mesure de l'azote potentiellement lessivable et au «survey surfaces agricoles» en application du chapitre IV de la partie réglementaire du Code de l'Eau. Le texte comprend 10 articles répartis en 4 chapitres comme suit: Définitions (I); Répartition des parcelles, prélèvement, conditionnement et analyse des échantillons (II); «Survey surfaces agricoles» et appréciation de la conformité aux bonnes pratiques agricoles (III); Autres dispositions générales (IV) Deux annexes sont jointes.

Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 2/2008 - Ley de suelo. Texto refundido.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley regula las condiciones básicas que garantizan la igualdad en el ejercicio de los derechos y en el cumplimiento de los deberes constitucionales relacionados con el suelo en todo el territorio estatal. Asimismo, establece las bases económicas y medioambientales de su régimen jurídico, su valoración y la responsabilidad patrimonial de las Administraciones Públicas en la materia.

Ministerial Decree No. 386 validating the Regulation on land monitoring.

Europa oriental

This Ministerial Decree stipulates that land monitoring shall be part of the national environmental monitoring system. Land monitoring refers to a system for observing the state of land, changes in the structure and state of land resources and distribution of land by categories. It shall facilitate the collection, reporting, processing and analyzing of information in order to prevent negative processes and assess soil fertility conservation measures.

Ministerial Decree No. 384 on valuation of land under forest stock.

Europa oriental

This Ministerial Decree establishes that the cadastre value of land under forest stock shall be established according to the forest group, protection category and type of management, and shall be adjusted according to the annual index adjusted for inflation. Cadastre value of land under forest stock shall be used to calculate land charges for plots of forestland allotted for the construction and servicing of gas pipelines, oil pipelines and power supply lines.

Local Improvements Act.


This Act concerns laying-out and subdivision of land for purposes of local improvements in infrastructure such as water supply and sewerage. The Act shall not apply land of a certain size intended for cultivation or pasturage. Land on the foreshore shall be subject to limitations regarding laying-out and subdivision of land and decisions regarding laying-out and subdivision of land by a local Council may be revised by the Minister.

Upper Austria Soil Protection Law 1991.

Europa occidental

The purpose of the present Law is to conserve and protect the soil against harmful effects, in particular against erosion, densification of the soil and hazardous substances, and to improve and restore the health of the soil. To reach this aim everyone shall behave in such a way as to reduce damage to the soil to the unavoidable minimum – in particular accumulation of hazardous substances in the soil and deterioration of the soil structure – in view of ensuring an effective soil protection.

Upper Austria Forest Land Division Law.

Europa occidental

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that the division of forest land as a result of which a remaining part of land would reach no longer the minimum size for forestry management is forbidden. The minimum size is 1 ha and a minimum width of 40 m. However, if the public interest prevails such divisions are permitted as, for instance, in case of water works, mining activities, energy resources, improvement of agricultural structure, land reform, and so on. The text consists of 8 articles.

Land Code.

Asia central

The present Land Code regulates land relations and is aimed at the creation of conditions for rational land tenure and soil conservation, reproduction of soil fertility, conservation and improvement of environment for the purpose of the equal development of all forms of economic activity. Land is the property of the state. Citizens have the right to allocation of a plot of land terms and conditions of which shall be determined by the present Act (art. 2).

Order No. 69 of the Federal Forest Service validating the Regulation on examination of applications for transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management.

Europa oriental

This Order establishes the list of requested technical documentation and the modalities of transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management. The aforesaid transfer can be carried out by initiative of legal and natural persons and requires authorization of the competent state forest institution by agreement with the organizations concerned. In the process of transfer shall be decided also allotment of the plots of land, conditions of expropriation thereof and payment therefore.

Regulation of the Federal Forest Service on transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes related to forest management.

Europa oriental

This Order establishes the list of requested technical documentation and the modalities of transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes related to forest management. The aforesaid transfer can be carried out by initiative of the owners of forests and forest managers. The scope of forest land shall be construction of cone-drier, seed storage facilities of forest species, and planting of forest nurseries. District forestry administration shall submit application, containing technical survey and map of the forest land plot, to the local executive body.

Decreto Nº 4.002 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, precisando y reglamentando algunos aspectos relacionados con la revisión de los planes de ordenamiento territorial y la modificación de sus normas urbanísticas.

Order No. 310 of the Ministry of Natural Resources validating the Regulation on state registration of the plots of forest land within state forest fund.

Europa oriental

This Order establishes that state registration of the plots of forest land within state forest fund shall be carried out by state executive bodies responsible for keeping state forest register. State registration shall be carried out in the following cases: (a) allotment of the plots of forest land within state forest fund; and (b) renewal of lease contracts for the plots of forest land and renewal of free of charge forest management contracts in case of conformation thereof to the Forest Code.