Conserving soils: Bench terrace construction: Ensuring sustainable land management and creating a source of income for the youth
Creating agents and landscapes for multiagent systems from random samples
Crecimiento y engorde de novillos en praderas de pasto gordura (Melinis minutiflora) en los llanos orientales de Colombia
Criteria and indicators for assessing the sustainability of forest management: conservation of biodiversity
The need for new criteria and indicators for the assessment of biodiversity conservation as part of sustainable forest management of tropical forests has been identified as a priority by many international organisations. Those biodiversity criteria and indicators which formed part of a much broader initial assessment by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (Prabhu et al. 1996) were found to be deficient. This Working Paper contains specific proposals for biodiversity criteria and indicators.
Current issues in non-timber forest products research. Proceedings of the workshop research on NTFP. Hot Spring, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995
This book contains a number of commissioned background papers presented at the workshop on ‘Research on Non-timber Forest Products’ (Hot Springs, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995). Bringing together experiences from different regions and professional backgrounds, the book attempts to analyse the complexity of multiple use of forests from a multidimensional perspective that incorporates environmental, social, economic, technological, political, historical and cultural factors. Current topics of discussion are reviewed.
Decision support tools for farm-level fertilizer recommendation in Ethiopia
Definir l'impact du carbone forestier sur les moyens de subsistance des populations locales: possibilites offertes par le mecanisme pour un developpment propre du protocole de Kyoto
Projects implemented as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol will have the dual mandate of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to sustainable development. It is not yet clear what, if any, forestry activities will be eligible for CDM. Nor is it known what rules will guide the implementation of CDM projects. These decisions have important implications for poor people who live in and around forests in developing countries.