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Effects of Slash on Herbaceous Communities in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands of Northern Arizona

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2008

Scattering slash (downed woody materials) after tree removal is increasingly prescribed by land managers as a treatment to promote the establishment and growth of understory vegetation in pinyon-juniper woodlands. However, the effects of scattering slash on soil resources and plant communities are poorly understood and often confounded with the release from tree competition.

Environmental impacts of introducing grain legumes into European crop rotations

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2008
América del Sur

Raw materials for animal feeding are highly deficient in Europe, which results in massive imports of soya beans from North and South America. These imports are connected with a number of environmental problems. Increasing the grain legume production in Europe could be a promising alternative. The impacts of introducing grain legumes into existing European crop rotations are investigated in this article. The environmental impacts are evaluated by using the SALCA (Swiss Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment) life cycle assessment method and the ecoinvent life cycle inventory database.

Effects of agri-environmental measures, site and landscape conditions on butterfly diversity of Swiss grassland

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2007

Agri-environment schemes (AES) were introduced in Europe to mitigate the loss of biodiversity in cultivated landscapes. In Switzerland, farmers have to convert 7% of the arable land into ecological compensation areas (ECA) in order to enhance biodiversity, low-input grassland making up the major part of ECA. This study investigated during 6 years the effect of ECA grassland on butterfly diversity at the field and the landscape scales in two farming landscape units of the Swiss Plateau.

Legal barriers to effective ecosystem management: exploring linkages between liability, regulations, and prescribed fire

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015
Estados Unidos de América

Resistance to the use of prescribed fire is strong among many private land managers despite the advantages it offers for maintaining fire‐adapted ecosystems. Even managers who are aware of the benefits of using prescribed fire as a management tool avoid using it, citing potential liability as a major reason for their aversion. Recognizing the importance of prescribed fire for ecosystem management and the constraints current statutory schemes impose on its use, several states in the United States have undertaken prescribed burn statutory reform.

Introduction to ILWIS GIS tool

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012

ILWIS for Windows is a Windows-based, integrated GIS and Remote Sensing application consisting of: (i) Display of raster and multiple vector maps in map windows; (ii) Display of tables in table windows; (iii) Interactive retrieval of attribute information, (iv) Image processing facilities, (v) Manipulation of maps in a Map Calculator; (vi) Manipulation of tables in a Table Calculator; (vii) GIS analysis tools and (viii) Script language to perform \'batch\' jobs. With Windows, you can start one operation and keep it running while you start one or more additional applications.

Trialling a web-based spatial information management tool with Land Managers in Victoria, Australia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2009

A prototype web-based spatial information management tool (called eFarmer) was tested for its useability and usefulness by 46 Land Managers and 5 extension staff in Victoria, Australia. Participants had a range of enterprises (dairy, beef/sheep grazing, cropping, lifestyle land use), property sizes and computer ownership and expertise. A follow up study was conducted with 12 dairy farmers, where features regarding assessment of nutrient losses from paddocks (Farm Nutrient Loss Index, FNLI) were added to eFarmer.

Quantifying nutrient transfer pathways in agricultural catchments using high temporal resolution data

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012

There are uncertainties in the definition of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) transfer pathways within agricultural river catchments due to spatiotemporal variations such as water recharge and the farming calendar, or catchment soil and hydrogeological properties. This can have implications for mitigation policies. This study combined detailed pathway studies with catchment integrated studies to characterise N and P transfer pathways for four agricultural catchments with different land management, soil drainage and geology.

Improving landscape connectivity in forest districts: A two-stage process for prioritizing agricultural patches for reforestation

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

Connectivity is a key concern in natural resource planning. Many studies have focused on the development of methods, tools and indices for the assessment of both components of connectivity: structural and functional. In particular, approaches based on graph theory principles have been recently proposed and are being increasingly applied to guide landscape connectivity conservation. However, forest planners and managers still need effective and operational methodologies to detect those landscapes where connectivity should be treated as a particularly critical conservation concern.

attribute-based approach to contingent valuation of forest protection programs

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011
Estados Unidos de América

The hemlock woolly adelgid is an invasive insect that is damaging hemlock forests in the eastern United States. Several control methods are available but forest managers are constrained by cost, availability, and environmental concerns. As a result forest managers must decide how to allocate limited conservation resources over heterogeneous landscapes.