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Pemetaan desa partisipatif dan penyelesaian konflik batas: studi kasus di desa-desa daerah aliran sungai Malinau, January s/d Juli 2000

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

CIFOR's ACM program has been carrying out participatory action research with local communities to devise models for forest management by multiple stakeholders. One of the early requests by communities has been for the mapping of their villages. This report describes the facilitation team's observations during the process of mapping these territories (villages along the Malinau river, Kalimantan, Indonesia). Central theme is the question what caused conflicts within and between villages and how were these handled and overcome by the communities.

People priorities and perceptions: towards conservation partnership in Mamberamo

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2007
Papua Nueva Guinea

This report refers to the follow-up activities in Mamberamo developed by CIFOR and CI in 2006. The new activities included additional socio-economic surveys in three villages. The accuracy of the participatory maps of the natural resources and important landscape features were improved using GPS ground checks. Participatory maps of territorial land claims and land use by clans were also drafted. Additional information was then collected on local biodiversity monitoring and control of the land and resources.

Poverty and forests: multi-country analysis of spatial association and proposed policy solutions

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2007
Viet Nam

This paper examines poverty and deforestation in developing countries as linked problems and focuses on policies that can favour poverty alleviation in forested regions. The paper encompasses two elements: analysis of the spatial coincidence between poverty and forests, and proposed policy options for reducing poverty in forested areas.

Poverty and forests: multi-country analysis of spatial association and proposed policy solutions

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2007
Viet Nam

This paper examines poverty and deforestation in developing countries as linked problems and focuses on policies that can favour poverty alleviation in forested regions. The paper encompasses two elements: analysis of the spatial coincidence between poverty and forests, and proposed policy options for reducing poverty in forested areas.