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Displaying 1129 - 1140 of 1147

Gender, land and agricultural development in Africa. From women to gender

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2016

While academics have largely shifted their focus from ‘women in development’ to addressing women and men as
part of broader ‘gendered’ social relations, this shift is yet to be fully translated into development practice. This
requires development practitioners to be sensitive to local contexts and to the various inequalities they contain
with regards to land rights and land use (based on class, gender, age, migration status etc.).

Willful blindness: How World Bank’s coutry rankings impoverish smallholder farmer

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

While nearly 80 percent of food consumed in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia is produced by smallholder farmers, the Bank negates the importance of small-scale farming for sustainable rural development and food security. Family farmers account for 80 percent of all holdings in the developing world, therefore smallholders’ own investments—not FDIs—are the main force sustaining agriculture and should be encouraged.

Youth access to land, migration and employment opportunities: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019
África occidental
África oriental
África Central
África austral
África subsahariana

This paper examines the intersections between youth access to land, migration decisions and employment opportunities using nationally representative and multi-year data from multiple African countries. We document evidence on the evolving dynamics in land distribution and ownership patterns, the effect of land access on youth livelihood choices and development of rental and sales market in the region.

Micro-policies on land tenure in three villages in Bam province, Burkina Faso: Local strategies for exchanging land

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2003

The aim of this study is to analyse modes of access to land and agreements regulating the exchange of plots between families and between villages. It is based on a quantitative survey of 95 smallholders and over 300 plots (49 of which are cultivated by women), as well as qualitative analysis using transcriptions of interviews with groups of dignitaries, men and women. The main means of access to land identified are via inheritance and gifts, which together accounted for access to 80% to 90% of the plots surveyed.

The narrative on rural youth and economic opportunities in Africa: facts, myths and gaps

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019
África occidental
África oriental
África Central
África austral
África subsahariana

A narrative on rural youth in Africa has continued to evolve in policy circles around the world. Much of it is driven by population statistics that point to an imminent youth bulge in Africa and concerns about a poor economic outlook (stagnation) for African productivity and growth. Fears of massive unemployment, social unrest and undesirable migration due to limited economic growth drive the bulk of the discourse. This is juxtaposed with the promise of a youth dividend for the continent, which is highlighted by some quarters of the policy debate.

Investing in rural youth in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019
África septentrional
Asia central
Asia occidental

Countries of the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia (NEN) region face a myriad of social, economic and political challenges that have stalled their structural and rural transformation processes. This has had a detrimental impacton rural youth, who, as a result, face limited economic opportunities. The NEN region has the highest youth unemployment rates in the world. Weak education systems are failing to provide youth, especially in rural areas, with the cognitive and non-cognitive skills they need to compete in a global economy.

Africa Human Development report 2016. Accelerating Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2016

This 2016 Africa Human Development Report on gender equality follows the 2012 Africa Human Development Report, which looked at the importance of assuring food security for all Africans. Both reports share a common objective of addressing what might be considered two unfinished agenda items on Africa’s development trajectory.

Centre du Mali: l’accord de Niono, d’un espoir de paix durable à la résurgence du conflit

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2021

Cet article s'attachera à analyser la situation du conflit entre les djihadistes de Katiba Macina et les donsos dans la zone de Niono (région de Ségou, centre du Mali), ainsi que le processus qui a conduit à l'accord de paix entre les belligérants. La dynamique du conflit dans le centre et l'accord de paix permettent de comprendre les rouages complexes de la violence dans le centre du Mali.

Informe Analítico III 2021: Balance de la carrera mundial por la tierra

Agosto, 2021

Más de 10 años después de la oleada de grandes transacciones de tierras (las GTT) en países en desarrollo y que siguió al aumento, de finales de la década del 2000, en los precios de las materias primas agrícolas, la Iniciativa Land Matrix hace balance de la “carrera mundial por la tierra”, y de sus repercusiones ambientales y socioeconómicas. A partir de la base de datos Land Matrix y de una revisión bibliográfica para analizar y comprender mejor los amplios efectos de las GTT, nuestras conclusiones son aleccionadoras y, en parte, alarmantes.

El estado de los recursos de tierras y aguas del mundo para la alimentación y la agricultura - Sistemas al límite

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2021

Los recursos de aguas, tierras y suelos del mundo están sometidos a presiones debido a que deben satisfacer la mayor demanda de alimentos. La agricultura reviste importancia para mitigar estas presiones y contribuir positivamente a los objetivos relacionados con el clima y el desarrollo. Las prácticas agrícolas sostenibles pueden dar lugar a mejoras directas en el estado de la tierra, el suelo y el agua, así como generar beneficios ecosistémicos y reducir las emisiones derivadas de la tierra.

Good Practice

Institutional & promotional materials
Julio, 2022


The Global Programme 'Responsible Land Policy' (GPRLP) is part of the Special Initiative 'One World, No Hunger' of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger.