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Access of rural women to forest resources and its impact on rural household welfare in North Central Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2010

This study examined access of rural women to forest resources and its impact on rural household welfare in North Central Nigeria. Three states out of 6 states in the study area were purposively selected to cover 3 ethnic groups. A state was selected to cover at least one ethnic group. 4 villages were randomly selected in each state to make a total of 12 sample villages. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from 20 randomly selected rural women in each sample village to make a total of 240 respondents.

Cambodian peasant's contribution to rural development: a perspective from Kampong Thom Province

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2010

The paper aims to identify the rationality of peasant communities and their contribution to rural development in Kampong Thom province. To do so, an interdisciplinary analytical framework addresses the dynamics of land use and land tenure, the strategies of labor force allocation as well as the determinants of land and labor agricultural productivities amongst peasant communities. It rests on details field surveys in two communes located in very distinct agro-ecological settings of Kampong Thom province.

Participatory Forest Management in China: Key Challenges and Ways Forward

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015

SUMMARYParticipatory forest management in China has been a dynamic and evolving process towards sustainable forest management, gradually integrating forest management with rural development by enhancing community participation and benefits derived from forest management. Participatory forest management has been increasingly supported by fiscal policy, land tenure reforms, management models and capacity building initiatives. It has also become an important discourse for sustainable forest management (SFM) in China.

role of local institutions in sustainable watershed management: lessons from India

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

The implementation and effective management of watershed-development projects is recognised as a strategy for rural development throughout the developing world. Several government and non-government agencies have launched watershed-development projects to tackle the challenges of soil conservation, improving land productivity, and economic upliftment of the rural poor for efficient use of natural resources. Participatory community-driven institutions of integrated watershed management are considered vital for the sustainability of natural resources.

China–Africa development cooperation in the rural sector: an exploration of land tenure and investments linkages for sustainable resource use

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

China-Africa development cooperation in the rural sector has received an increased attention by researchers and policy-makers given the advantages and disadvantages of China’s contribution to the local economy. However, there is a lack of more reliable and nuanced findings to provide greater insights into the major issues concerning rural development and resource use. This paper aims to position land tenure and foreign investments linkages as a new research angle for understanding the role of land in sustainable resource use and investments.


Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2009
Europa oriental

Az agrártermelés helyzetének romló tendenciája és a vidék kilátástalansága egyre határozottabban követeli egy egységes agrár- és vidékstratégia kialakítását. Erre azonban nemcsak külső okok, de az ágazatban érdekeltek mély belső ellentétei miatt ma sincsen sok remény. Ehhez le kellene számolni sok, a rendszerváltás óta létező, a rendszerváltás törvényei által védett tabuval, amihez az agrárágazat és a vidék sorsa iránt nagyobb felelősségre, alázatra és együttműködésre lenne szükség.

Transatlantic Similarities and Contrasts in Rural Development Policies

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2008
Estados Unidos de América

The United States (US) and European Union (EU) share many general policy aims for rural areas, but they differ in the ways in which they try to achieve these aims. The principal difference lies in the role envisioned by agriculture in overall rural development. EU policies treat agriculture as a provider of public goods, and many of its 'rural' programmes target agriculture. In the US, very few Federal rural development programs are focused solely on agriculture.

Scenario development to explore the future of Europe's rural areas

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2006

Changes in rural areas, such as depopulation and land abandonment, but also intensification and loss of biodiversity, usually proceed very slowly yet are often irreversible. A scenario study (called EURURALIS) was carried out by Wageningen University and Research Centre in combination with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) to stimulate the strategic discussion among both national policy makers and policy makers at the European Union level on the future of Europe's rural areas and the role of policy instruments.

Soil fertility and GIS raster models for tropical agroforestry planning in economically depressed and contaminated Caribbean areas (coffee and kidney bean plantations)

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2010
República Dominicana
América central

In the jaragua-bahoruco-enriquillo biosphere reserve, located on the southern border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, there are depressed rural areas with soils with high content in Cadmium and other heavy metals which originate naturally in the geological substrate.

Rural networks in the funding period 2007-2013: A critical review of the EU policy instrument.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2011

Rural Networks have been implemented as an instrument to enhance EU rural developmentpolicies in the funding period 2007-2013. Gaps in European programme documents concerningthe networks’ purpose and their evaluation led to a survey of the National Network Unitsbeing conducted in 2010. Besides investigating how these gaps are bridged nationally, the surveyaimed to provide an overview of the development of the networks, of the initial experiencesand challenges faced in running the networks, and to assess their potential impact.

Editorial[: Rural Change and the Revalorisation of Rural Property Objects]

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2009

Property regimes shape the social relations, in particular, social settings, and represent an important element for external intervention and sustainable rural development. The introduction recalls common aspects and specific conceptualisations of property analysis in the field of economics, sociology and social anthropology and summarises main academic discourses about property rights in order to develop a differentiated understanding of property. In Section 1, general trends in property relations characterising modern rural societies are outlined.