Le Teck
Ce numro d'Unasylva s'interroge sur l'avenir du teck, en s'attardant notamment sur la gestion des plantations.
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
La plupart des numros d'Unasylva sont axs sur un thme particulier. L'objectif n'est pas de prsenter une introduction ou un manuel sur le sujet choisi (ce qui serait impossible tant donn le format de la revue), mais plutt de proposer une srie d'analyses sur des aspects spcifiques qui contribuent veiller l'intrt et l'attention du lecteur. Les articles sont dits de faon intresser les lecteurs dont le travail porte essentiellement sur le thme choisi, ainsi que la majorit des lecteurs qui travaillent dans d'autres disciplines.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
The recently released Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) was based on an intensive, five-year effort carried out by FAO in cooperation with national forestry agencies from nearly every country of the world, a large number of research centres and academic institutions, and a number of international, regional and non-governmental organizations.
The Regional Workshop convened by M S Swaminathan Research Foundation in collaboration with the Bay of Bengal Programme of FAO (BOBP) is designed to address these issues and to develop an action plan for saving the remaining coral reefs in the SAARC region. Since its establishment in 1989, M S S R F has given priority attention to the conservation and sustainable use of Coastal Mangrove ecosystems. In many areas, Mangroves, sea grass meadows and coral reefs constitute an integrated ecosystem. The Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve represents one such integrated ecosystem.
The International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) is an international multi-donor programme, co-managed by partner organizations, created in 1990 at the request of the International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). Its Secretariat, first located at the World Bank, was transferred to FAO in 1998, where it is being hosted, in the Land and Water Development division (AGL) as a Special Programme.
The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was formally established by members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during its Council in December 2012. The Council recognized soil as an essential natural resource, which is often overlooked and has not received adequate attention in recent years, despite the fact that production of food, fiber, fodder, and fuel critically depends on healthy soils.
This is a weighty report of formidable bulk and understandably so. Rarely has a Workshop in Bangladesh or anywhere else been so comprehensive in mandate or assembled such an array of fisheries expertise. Why was the workshop held? Quite simply, to give effect to Bangladesh's vision of fisheries development and management, set forth in its Perspective Development Plan for 1995-2010.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries