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Scottish Landfill Tax (Qualifying Material) Order 2015 (S.S.I. No. 45 of 2015).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Order, made under sections 13(4) and 14(7) of the Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014 defines material (listed in column 2 of the Schedule) as qualifying material for the purposes of the lower rate of Scottish landfill tax. Such materials are described and conditions as to their state specified alongside. Conditions as to their use are specified in provisions of the Order.

Implements: Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014 (2014 asp 2). (2014-01-21)

Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Regulations 2015 (S.S.I. No. 3 of 2015).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Regulations, made under sections 15, 18, 19, 20, 22(9), 23, 25, 30, 32 and 37(1) and (4) to (7) of the Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014, make provision for the administration and assurance of Scottish landfill tax. They regulate the registration of persons who intend to make taxable disposals and provide for the making of returns. An entitlement to credit shall be granted in circumstances relating to the recycling, incineration and permanent removal of waste.

National Agriculture Policy.

National Policies
África oriental

This National Agriculture Policy (NAP) states as its general objective to develop an efficient, competitive and profitable agricultural industry that contributes to the improvement of the livelihoods of Tanzanians and attainment of broad based economic growth and poverty alleviation. The NAP is a result of macro, regional and global economic changes that have bearing on the development of the agricultural sector. These changes are reflected in the national policy framework which reflects the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

National Agricultural Policy

National Policies
África oriental

This National Agricultural Policy shall contribute to the attainment of national food security, poverty reduction and national economic development objectives as outlined in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS).

Norm INCRA No. 81 establishing the basic guidelines for obtaining rural properties for rural workers settlement.

América del Sur

This Norm, consisting of 13 Chapters and one Annex, establishes the basic guidelines for the administrative and technical procedures for actions to obtain rural properties for the settlement of rural workers. It specifies the following matters: Environmental planning to obtain rural properties (Chap. II); Administrative proceedings (Chap. III); Inspection and monitoring (Chap. V); Technical issues (Chap. VII), etc.

Implements: Decree No. 6.812 approving the structure and functions of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – INCRA. (2009-04-03)

Presidential Decree No. 1529 amending and codifying the laws related to registration of land property.

Asia sudoriental

This Presidential Decree, consisting of sixteen Chapters, amends and codifies the laws related to registration of land property. It establishes Land Registration Commission composition, duties and responsibilities (Chap. II); Ordinary (Cadastral) Registration Proceedings, in particular, specifying the exclusive and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain under a bona fide claim of ownership including private lands or abandoned river beds obtained by right of access and any other manner provided for by law (Chap.

Decree No. 234/GoL on the Implementation of the Law on Standardization.

Asia sudoriental

This Decree, consisting of seven Chapters, establishes the Implementation of the Law on Standardization. It specifies the provisions for interpretation, explanation and instruction of certain articles of the Law on Standardization to ensure the accuracy, clarity, correctness and uniform understanding throughout the country, aiming to implement the Law on Standardization effectively and in line with international and regional agreements and treaties to which Lao PDR is a party.

Standards Law No. 13/ NA.

Asia sudoriental

This Law, consisting of twelve Chapters, establishes the Law on Standards. It specifies principles, rules, measures regarding the establishment, activities, management, and inspection of standards and technical regulations for products, goods, services, processes, and the environment. To encourage, improve and ensure the production, services, social economic and environment protection in order to have the quality, efficiency, justice and rights, and the legitimate interests and safety of consumers in manufacturing, and will be a factor in managing the nation's economy and development.

Arrêté 03-037 du 5 mars 2003 M/SG/DSTM/SHS fixant le taux d'amendes forfaitaires de non observation des règles d'hygiènes dans la ville de N'Djaména.

África Central

Le présent arrêté fixe le taux d'amendes forfaitaires pour non observation des règles d'hygiène à l'intérieur du périmètre urbain de N'Djaména, notamment les jets ou exposition de choses de nature à nuire par leur chute ou leur exhalaison ; l’obstruction de la voie publique ; le refus d'exécution des règlements de petite voirie ou sommation administrative aux immeubles menaçant de ruine ; et la destruction ou détérioration des espaces verts et jardins publics.

Lower Austria Building Ordinance 2014.

Europa occidental

The present Ordinance implements the Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources of 23 April 2009. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order 2014 (S.I. No. 2935 of 2014).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Order allows for the creation of a nationally significant infrastructure project and associated development described in Schedule 1 and a corresponding marine habitat. There shall be put in place for the affected coastal area a compensation environmental management and monitoring plan and other environmental compensatory measures.

Implements: Planning Act 2008 (Cap. 29). (2008-11-26)

Loi n° 2003-208 du 7 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités territoriales.

Côte d'Ivoire
África occidental

La présente loi détermine les règles et modalités de transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités territoriales (les Communes; les Régions et les Départements).Les différents domaines, objet de ce transfert et répartition de compétences, sont notamment, l’aménagement du territoire; la planification du développement; l’urbanisme et l'habitat; la santé, l'hygiène publique et la qualité; la protection de l’environnement et la gestion des ressources naturelles; l‘hydraulique; et l'assainissement.