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Resolution No. 4/2014 approving the Regional Scheme for the Territorial Planning of São Vicente island (EROT-SV).

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Resolution, consisting of 6 Chapters and 2 Annexes, approving the Regional Scheme for the Territorial Planning of São Vicente island (EROT-SV). It also states that the General Direction for Territorial and Urban Land Use Planning (DGOTDU) will be responsible for promoting the design of the EROT, through a competition for selecting an enterprise or cabinet with technical capacities.

Order No. 106 on Standards of Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC).

Europa septentrional

The Order sets out requirement standards for good agricultural and environmental conditions in order for farmers to comply with regulations on granted subsidy for land development, in accordance to the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013. Criteria for being eligible to these subsidies shall be found in Appendix 1, with exception of 4.1 (Establishment and maintenance of vegetation on uncultivated land), 4.2 (Maintenance of vegetation on uncultivated land), 4.5 (Maintenance of vegetation on permanent grass areas) and 4.12 (Maintenance of vegetation on temporary grassland).

Tyrol Building Law 2011.

Europa occidental

The present Law implements the Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources of 23 April 2009. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Building Law for Vienna.

Europa occidental

The present Law implements the Council Directive 93/76/EEC to limit carbon dioxide emissions by improving energy efficiency (SAVE) of 13 September 1993. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Carinthia Building Law 1996.

Europa occidental

The present Law implements the Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources of 23 April 2009. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Styria Building Law.

Europa occidental

The present Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law. The text consists of 120 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: General principles and procedural rules (I); Construction guidelines (II); Penalties, transitional provisions and final provisions (III).

Construction Guidelines Law.

Europa occidental

The present Law implements, inter alia, the Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy end-use efficiency and energy services of 5 April 2006. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Ordonnance N°2010-54 du 17 septembre 2010 portant Code général des collectivités territoriales de la République du Niger

África occidental

La présente loi fixe les règles et principes fondamentaux de la libre administration des collectivités territoriales (la commune et la région), leurs compétences et leurs ressources.Elle comprend 333 articles repartis en huit (08) parties ou livres, notamment les dispositions générales (Livre I; les collectivités territoriales et de leurs organes (Livre II); les transferts de compétences de l’Etat aux collectivités territoriales (Livre III); le fonctionnement des organes délibérants des collectivités territoriales (Livre IV); le régime financier des collectivités territoriales (Livre V); le

Loi Nº87/2013 du 11/09/2013 portant organisation et fonctionnement des entités administratives décentralisées.

África oriental

La présente loi porte organisation et fonctionnement des entités administratives décentralisées qui comprennent la Ville de Kigali, les Districts (dotés de la personnalité juridique),les Secteurs, les Cellules et les Villages (dépourvus de la personnalité juridique).Le district est chargé, entre autres, de veiller à l'utilisation des terres et assurer l'aménagement et la distribution des parcelles dans le District; de faire le suivi des questions relatives à l’habitat et superviser le bureau des terres du District; de faire le suivi des activités visant la protection de l’environnement; et

Decreto Supremo Nº 002/14/MINAM - Disposiciones complementarias para la aplicación de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para suelo.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba disposiciones complementarias para la aplicación de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo, a fin de precisar las acciones que demanda la identificación de un sitio impactado, la elaboración y ejecución del plan de descontaminación de suelo, así como situaciones de cumplimiento e incumplimiento de instrumentos de gestión ambiental, incluyendo aquellos casos en que se encuentre en trámite de aprobación.

Decreto Nº 37.847/S - Modifica el Decreto Nº 37.757/S, Reglamento sobre valores guía en suelos para descontaminación de sitios afectados por emergencias ambientales y derrames.

Costa Rica
América central

El presente Decreto modifica el Reglamento sobre valores guía en suelos para descontaminación de sitios afectados por emergencias ambientales y derrames, en orden a establecer claramente las competencias del Ministerio de Salud y al ajuste de algunas definiciones técnicas.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 37.757/S - Reglamento sobre valores guía en suelos para descontaminación de sitios afectados por emergencias ambientales y derrames. (2013-05-15)

Ministerial Decree No. 407 validating the Regulation on national park “Chon-Kemin”.

Asia central

The Government, with a view of rational management of natural resources, conservation of biological and landscape diversity, decrees to transfer reserve land with total land area of 1068 ha, to the category of protected areas allocating it to the national park “Chon-Kemin”. State environmental protection agency shall perform zoning of the aforesaid land area. This Ministerial Decree contains the description of total territory of the national park “Chon-Kemin”.