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IssuesAgriculturaLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1441 - 1452 of 2155

Land Reform in Southern and Eastern Africa: Key Issues for strengthening Women’s Access to and Rights in Land

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2002

Report on a desktop study commissioned by FAO. Contains introduction; the context for land reform (the legacy of colonialism, women’s access, women in agriculture, HIV/AIDS and land reform); an overview of land reform issues and debates (policy issues, gender equity as a policy goal); land reform and women (case studies from Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe); conclusion (key findings and recommendations); synopsis of land policies by country.

Land Reform, Agriculture and Poverty Reduction

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2004

Examines (1) what is the issue and why is it important? – equality and economic growth, tenure insecurity, governance and institutions; (2) current evidence: what do we know? – land redistribution for productive use, policy reforms to strengthen security of tenure, state facilitation of land markets; (3) what we don’t know: closing the evidence gap – reconciling social justice / equity and agricultural growth, land administration, agricultural growth and poverty reduction, appropriate taxation of land and productive resources.

Joint ventures in agriculture: Lessons from land reform projects in South Africa

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2012

Inclusive business models have attracted renewed interest as part of wider debates about growing agricultural investment in developing countries. Report discusses joint ventures in South Africa’s agricultural sector. The South African experience features major specificities linked to the country’s history and recent land reform programme. Land reform beneficiaries entered into a range of joint ventures with commercial partners.

Reforming Land Rights: The World Bank and the Globalisation of Agriculture

Reports & Research
Enero, 2005

Includes globalisation and agriculture – policies and effects in sub-Saharan Africa; globalisation of agriculture and land; land reform in Southern Africa and the World Bank; World Bank critique – tenure security, land transactions, redistribution. Analyses the World Bank’s policy position on land reform and argues that its approach does not address the structural reasons for the distortions of landholdings in Southern Africa and that such inequality is likely to be reaffirmed and reproduced by the Bank’s proposals.

Reframing the New Alliance Agenda: A Critical Assessment based on Insights from Tanzania

Reports & Research
Junio, 2013

Through the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, G8 countries are seeking to mobilise the private sector and multi-national corporations to boost African agriculture. Looks at how African countries are engaging with the New Alliance. Argues that large-scale acquisitions of land for corporate agriculture, which may result from New Alliance projects, pose a serious challenge for local markets and smallholder farmers. Underlying assumptions need to be challenged.

International and regional guidelines on land governance and land-based investments: An agenda for African states

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2014

Includes key messages; context of the voluntary guidelines and frameworks – AU Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, World Bank Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment, FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Land, Fisheries and Forests, CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems; experiences from rural Africa – Tanzania, Malawi, Namibia; implementation challenges – state sovereignty, weak state institutions, protection of the rights of marginalised groups, private sector commitment, lack of adequate resources and lead institution; policy recommend

Addressing the Human Rights Impacts of ‘Land Grabbing’

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2014

Discusses the human rights issues raised by large-scale land deals for plantation agriculture (‘land grabbing’) in low and middle-income countries. Finds that it is a serious issue requiring urgent attention. Conceptualises the link between land deals and human rights, reviews relevant international human rights law and discusses evidence on actual and potential human rights impacts. Finds that important human rights dimensions are at stake and that compressions of human rights have been documented in some contexts.

Topic Guide: Agriculture and Growth

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2013

Includes agriculture, pro-poor growth and rural livelihoods: debates, scales and guidelines; land, farm size and food security; supermarkets and contract farming; gender and agricultural growth; promoting agriculture in post-conflict states. A number of Topic Guides are being produced for DFID’s Climate, Environment, Infrastructure and Livelihoods Advisers.

Report of the Workshop on Housing and Tenure Security for Farm Workers in Newly Resettled Areas

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2005

Focuses on the situation of farm workers after the fast-track land resettlement programme, including issues of housing and tenure security. Includes presentations from GAPWUZ, FCTZ, and some researchers, and a report of the discussions. Annexes contain full presentations. Recommendations include that under-utilised land be made available to farm workers. The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture has since asked FCTZ to facilitate public hearings on the issue in January 2006.

Land Planning and Sustainability of the Natural Resource Base, Land Reform Processes and Policies in Uganda

Reports & Research
Enero, 2002

Includes background information; government policies on agriculture and land use; challenges in land planning; landlessness, investment and market driven land planning; the Uganda Land Alliance work on natural resources and land use planning; examples of environmental and industrialization conflicts; recommendations and conclusion.