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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1441 - 1452 of 2160

Report of the Workshop on Housing and Tenure Security for Farm Workers in Newly Resettled Areas

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2005

Focuses on the situation of farm workers after the fast-track land resettlement programme, including issues of housing and tenure security. Includes presentations from GAPWUZ, FCTZ, and some researchers, and a report of the discussions. Annexes contain full presentations. Recommendations include that under-utilised land be made available to farm workers. The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture has since asked FCTZ to facilitate public hearings on the issue in January 2006.

Reframing the New Alliance Agenda: A Critical Assessment based on Insights from Tanzania

Reports & Research
Juin, 2013

Through the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, G8 countries are seeking to mobilise the private sector and multi-national corporations to boost African agriculture. Looks at how African countries are engaging with the New Alliance. Argues that large-scale acquisitions of land for corporate agriculture, which may result from New Alliance projects, pose a serious challenge for local markets and smallholder farmers. Underlying assumptions need to be challenged.

International and regional guidelines on land governance and land-based investments: An agenda for African states

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2014

Includes key messages; context of the voluntary guidelines and frameworks – AU Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, World Bank Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment, FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Land, Fisheries and Forests, CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems; experiences from rural Africa – Tanzania, Malawi, Namibia; implementation challenges – state sovereignty, weak state institutions, protection of the rights of marginalised groups, private sector commitment, lack of adequate resources and lead institution; policy recommend

Land Planning and Sustainability of the Natural Resource Base, Land Reform Processes and Policies in Uganda

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2002

Includes background information; government policies on agriculture and land use; challenges in land planning; landlessness, investment and market driven land planning; the Uganda Land Alliance work on natural resources and land use planning; examples of environmental and industrialization conflicts; recommendations and conclusion.

Researching Land and Commercial Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa with a Gender Perspective: Concepts, Issues and Methods

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2015

Critical reflections on the concepts, issues and methods that are important for integrating a gender perspective into mainstream research and policy-making on land and agricultural commercialisation in Africa. Informed by case studies in Kenya, Ghana and Zambia. Compares key gender issues that arise across plantation, contract farming and small- and medium-scale commercial farming. Discusses how concepts and research methods derived from the literature may be applied to mainstream research. Highlights the need for an integrated approach to researching gender and agrarian change in Africa.

Settling the land compensation issue is vital for Zimbabwe’s economy

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2018

One of the new government’s major policy priorities has to be to get agriculture moving as a motor of growth. The long-running issue of outstanding compensation payments has meant that international donors and financiers have not engaged with land reform areas, missing out on supporting major development opportunities. People on the resettlement farms are producing significant quantities of food and other agricultural products. Recent figures make it clear how vital they are to Zimbabwe’s struggling economy. So quick resolution of the compensation issue is essential.

Land rights, international law and a shrinking planet

Reports & Research
Juin, 2015

Recent years have seen a new wave of large-scale acquisitions of farmland for plantation agriculture in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Less tangible changes are also taking place. In a globalised world, land governance is increasingly shaped by international law, developments in which law are shifting the balance between competing land claims and between private interests and public authority. International developments are also creating new spaces for contestation and accountability.

Comparing communal areas and new resettlements in Zimbabwe, I: An introduction to a short blog series, II: people and places, III: land and agriculture, IV: accumulating assets and investing in the land, V: farm employment, off-farm income earning and ...

Reports & Research
Août, 2014

Asks are people better off in the new resettlements, a decade after they had moved, compared to the communal areas? To probe this question in more depth, in 2012 Blasio Mavedzenge, Felix Murimbarimba and Jacob Mahenehene and Ian Scoones undertook a survey in some nearby communal areas in parallel with the resurvey of the land reform sites. A complex story emerges in these 5 blogs showing that the resettlements are not simply an extension of the communal lands, but are different on a variety of fronts, with important implications for the future.

A new start for Zimbabwe?

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2008

On the basis of work in Masvingo Province since 2000, and as part of an ongoing regional project on Livelihoods after Land Reform in Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, offers challenges to 5 oft-repeated myths, that: Zimbabwean land reform has been a total failure; the beneficiaries of Zimbabwean land reform have been largely political ‘cronies’; there is no investment in the new resettlements; agriculture is in complete ruins; the rural economy has collapsed.

Changing landscapes in Mozambique: why pro-poor land policy matters

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2017

In Mozambique, changes in land access and use are shaping new landscapes, often at the expense of the poor. Despite progressive land legislation, elite groups and vested interests are consolidating land holdings while peasant producers are being dispossessed of their land and access to fertile plots is becoming increasingly difficult. As national and foreign investors seek land for housing, real estate, agriculture, tourism, mining and forestry, what is the state’s role in responding to these increased demands?