Nossa rede internacional de parceiros(as) abrange instituições acadêmicas, agregadores de dados, órgãos governamentais, editoras, associações de agricultores(as), ONGs e outros atores da sociedade civil. Explore a gama de organizações que utilizam o Land Portal abaixo e junte-se à rede hoje.
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
The Potsdam Nobel Laureates Symposium “Global Sustainability – A Nobel Cause” brought together internationally renowned scientists and decision-makers under the patronage of German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel in 2007.
Institute for Constitutional Studies
About Us
The Institute for Constitutional Studies (ICS) was originally set up in 2007. ICS has been working on constitutional and governance issues since its inception.
Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development - Aalborg University
IFM is a social science research and advisory centre working with fisheries and marine management and coastal community development. In particular, IFM focuses on questions of governance within an ecosystem-based approach to marine management.
Institute for Food and Development Policy
Food First, also known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy, is a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, USA.
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) was established in March 1998 under an initiative of the Japanese government and with the support of Kanagawa Prefecture based on the “Charter for the Establishment of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies”.
Institute for Law and Environmental Governance
ILEG is an independent, non-profit public interest law and policy organization focused on promoting sustainable development. We work with local communities, governments, the private sector and civil society organizations (CSOs) to ensure fair, balanced and equitable development policy choices to improve peoples’ lives and protect the environment.
Institute for Planetary Security
Promoting peace and cooperation in a changing climate.
Institute for Regional Security
The Institute’s mission is the promotion of the peace, stability and prosperity of the peoples of the Indo-Pacific region through policy research, policy advice and advocacy, international dialogues, and the professional development of policy-makers.
Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS) was founded in 1954 within the Faculty of Architecture. It was established as an independent scientific research organization by the Decision of the Republic Executive Council No.N/303 of May 13, 1961.
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) was established in 1999 through the merger of the former Institute of Geography (IOG), founded in 1940, and the former Commission for the Integrated Survey of Natural Resources (CISNAR), founded in 1956.
Institute of Land Adminstration - Bahir Dar University
The Institute of Land Administration in Bahir Dar University was established in 2006 by launching the first BSc program in Land Administration in Ethiopia. The establishment of the institute was initiated by the then Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use Authority (EPLAUA) of the Amhara National Regional State.
Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico
O Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico (IBDU) é uma associação civil de âmbito nacional constituída por juristas, urbanistas, pesquisadores, estudantes, profissionais e militantes sociais que atuam na temática urbana.