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Government of Uzbekistan
This is the profile for the Government of Uzbekistan
Government of Vanuatu
Multiple waves of colonizers, each speaking a distinct language, migrated to the New Hebrides in the millennia preceding European exploration in the 18th century. This settlement pattern accounts for the complex linguistic diversity found on the archipelago to this day.
Government of Vietnam
This is the profile for all Governmental Institutions in Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Government of Wallis and Futuna Islands
This is the profile for the Government of Wallis and Futuna Islands
Government of Western Sahara
This is the profile for the Government of Western Sahara
Governo da República de Moçambique
Moçambique é um país da costa oriental da África Austral que tem como limites: a norte, a Tanzânia; a noroeste, o Malawi e a Zâmbia; a oeste, o Zimbábwe, a África do Sul e a Suazilândia; a sul, a África do Sul; a leste, a secção do Oceano Índico designada por Canal de Moçambique.
Governo de Portugal
Following its heyday as a global maritime power during the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal lost much of its wealth and status with the destruction of Lisbon in a 1755 earthquake, occupation during the Napoleonic Wars, and the independence of Brazil, its wealthiest colony, in 1822.