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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 926 - 930 of 2116

Transition agro-écologique au sein d’un territoire rural par une approche basée sur les droits


Ensemble avec trois ONG sénégalaises, Solidagro œuvre pour une transition agro-écologique à l’échelle de l’arrondissement de Toubacouta (région de Fatick) afin d’assurer le droit à l’alimentation et à l’eau pour tous. L’outcome est basé sur une approche basée sur les droits, en impliquant autant les porteurs d’obligations (les collectivités locales et les services techniques de l’État) que les détenteurs de droits (les producteurs et les productrices agricoles de l’agriculture familiale). Pour atteindre l’outcome, des collaborations sont menées avec huit types d’acteurs principaux : (1) les Organisations Communautaires de Base (OCB), (2) les Comités de gestion Eau-Hygiène-Assainissement (COGES EHA), (3) les comités de gestion des forêts et comités de gestion foncière, (4) les conseils communaux, (5) les services techniques, (6) les clubs scolaires et cantines scolaires, (7) les commerçants-distributeurs, et (8) les consommateurs. Les résultats qui mèneront à l’outcome sont les suivants : 1/ Les capacités des détenteurs de droit à faire respecter leurs droits en matière de gouvernance des ressources naturelles et foncières sont renforcées avec une attention particulière aux droits des femmes et des enfants. 2/ La mise en pratique des principes et techniques agro-écologiques est intégrée dans le cadre institutionnel des communes. 3/ Les pratiques agro-écologiques ont augmenté la disponibilité des et l’accès aux groupes alimentaires critiques (poulet, œufs, fruits, légumes). Les activités concernent : (1) Le renforcement de capacités notamment sur la gouvernance foncière, les codes de l’EHA et de l’Environnement, les techniques et pratiques agro-écologiques, les bonnes pratiques en EHA et sur le genre. (2) L’appui à la réalisation de périmètres maraîchers agro-écologiques et des infrastructures d’assainissement (3) Le plaidoyer.


Le niveau de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnel des détenteurs de droit dans l’arrondissement de Toubacouta à l’horizon 2026 a été amélioré par l’émergence d’une agroécologie paysanne viable et d’une bonne gouvernance territoriale. Le droit à l’alimentation et à l’eau potable est promu par une participation citoyenne de qualité ayant les femmes et les jeunes au centre de l’action, et inspirant les collectivités territoriales, qui prennent des décisions politiques majeures favorables.

Target Groups

Les groupes cibles sont : 64 Organisations Communautaires de Base (OCB), 64 Comités de gestion Eau-Hygiène-Assainissement (COGES EHA), les comités de gestion des forêts et comités de gestion foncière, les 4 conseils communaux, les services techniques, les clubs scolaires et cantines scolaires, les commerçants-distributeurs, et les consommateurs.

SCI Integrated ,Health , WASH, NFI and Protection Flood Response in River Nile Sep. 2021 for the affected po


Between 06 and 09 August 2021, heavy rains and riverine flooding led to the sudden damage and destruction of homes, property and other infrastructure across multiple parts of River Nile state, directly impacting over 39,000 people. This project is planned and designed to provide multi-sectoral response across the NFI, WASH, Health and Protection clusters to meet the immediate life-saving needs of the affected population, mitigate against significant increases in morbidity and mortality from disease, rehabilitate affected WASH infrastructure and Health Facilities, and provide additional support to the most vulnerable individuals. Following destruction of thousands of homes, families are living without adequate shelter. An immediate need therefore is for emergency shelter and NFIs for those displaced and who have lost property, including for mosquito nets to prevent vector-borne disease transmission. Save the Children with local partner Alla Ahub Atbara (A3CO) will procure and distribute 500 NFI kits to households that have had their homes completely destroyed. Lack of access to clean water in affected areas, with water points damaged and contaminated, creates a serious risk of increased disease as well as of water-borne and vector-borne diseases. There is a strong need for general hygiene materials across the flood-affected population with specific needs for menstrual hygiene and dignity kits for women and adolescent girls. Solid waste management clean-up campaigns and vector control are required in the flood-affected areas to manage the debris from the flooding and treat stagnant pools of water. SCI will rehabilitate and improve three emergency mini water yards, providing clean water to thousands of households, and will provide water treatment and quality monitoring supplies. SCI with local partner A3CO will procure and distribute 250 family hygiene kits including jerry cans for safe water storage, and 250 female dignity kits for women and girls of menstrual age. SCI will provide tools for solid waste management and will train health facility staff, as well as supporting Ministry of Health conduct vector control campaign across two localities whilst local partner A3CO will train hygiene promoters, lead hygiene promotion activities, and set up community committees to manage WASH infrastructure. With many health facilities directly impacted by damage of flooding, and with increased demand for health services caused by direct injury during flooding and by increased disease due to unhygienic and unsanitary living conditions, mobile clinics are needed to provide services temporarily to the affected population, especially those displaced, and meet the increased demand, whilst existing static facilities are restocked. SCI will operate a mobile health clinic for 3 months visiting the most-affected locations to provide essential primary health services, and will support pregnant women with clean delivery kits and wassist patients who need referral for secondary services, as well as providing essential supplies, equipment and furniture to existing Health Facilities to ensure ongoing quality care. There is greater risk of negative coping mechanisms due to economic insecurity following the loss of property, productive assets and livelihoods, and additional risks from lack of privacy whilst displaced. Two Community-based Child Protection Networks (CBCPNs) will be established and trained to share information on key protection risks, especially to children and risk reduction measures and the CBCPNs will support with the identification and referral of particularly vulnerable or at-risk individuals, for additional material support. SCI will also provide recreational materials and equipment for a multi-purpose community centre affected by the flooding, so that children are provided with a safe space in which to play.

Provision of Improve Shelter Materials and INFIs for Returnee in Um Baru locality - North Darfur


On the line of The Sudan integrated response planning framework to promote sustainable return and reintegration (This framework for an integrated response, developed by the RRR (Recovery, Return and Reintegration) Sector, brings together efforts and expertise of humanitarian and development actors in selected areas of return. The protracted nature of Sudan’s displacement has demonstrated that it is not sufficient nor efficient to implement humanitarian and development activities in isolation, but that a sustainable response in support of return and reintegration requires closer cooperation between all stakeholders.).The framework have six outputs,this project is designed to achieve the output three (: Returnees are provided with NFIs on arrival, and where needed with transitional and more permanent shelters advocacy for adequate land management) The selected area for these pilot projects is Um Baru locality - North Darfur State about 180 km north west El Fasher city Based on Inter - Agency Mission in Um Baru locality conducted 21 - 24 March 2016 three main areas are identified as high returnees areas in Um Baru locality:(Um Baru is a local name of locality in North Darfur State) 1 - Orchi (name of a village) Villages area located 32 kilometers southeast Um Baru town with 9,300 individuals,7660 adult over 18, 60% are women, the project will serve 500 HHs (household) (2500 individual500 men, 700 women, 600 boys and 700 girls) by providing them with improve shelter materials and NFIs. 2 - Anabagi (name of a village) Villages area located 56 kilometers southeast Um Baru with 4,300 individual the project will serve 500 HHs (2500 individual 500 men, 700 women, 600 boys and 700 girls) by providing one kit of improve shelter materials and one kit of NFIs for each HH. 3 - Abu Leha (name of a village) Villages area located 21.6 KM northeast Ana Bagi with 6500 adult over 18 and 3500 children the project will serve 500 HHs (2500 individual 500 men, 700 women, 600 boys and 700 girls) by providing one kit of improve shelter materials and one kit of NFIs for each HH. In addition 200 more permanent transitional shelter will be constructed and distributed to the above village locations as follows: Orchi 65 HHs, Anabagi 70 HHs and Abuliha 65 HHs. The catchment population in the project area Based on Inter - Agency Mission in Um Baru locality conducted 21 - 24 March 2016 is 23,900 individuals include returnees, host communities and People With Special Needs(PWSN), out of which the project will intervene to assist 8500 individual (2000 men, 2500 women, 2000 boys and 2000 girls), Due to high needs and low amount of fund to cover the total beneficiaries, the project will select most vulnerable households based on criteria of selection developed by the implementing partner in collaboration with community leaders of the beneficiary the following are the criteria of selection: * Household headed by woman * Household with more children under 5 * Household with individual of (PWSN) (People With Special Need) * Single elders Along the project cycle building capacity of beneficiaries is carried out through conducting of workshops and orientation sessions in different subjects e.g environmental conservation, natural resource management, GBV (Gender Based Violence), and HIV(Human Immiono-deficiency Virus) 00 Reply to TRC Comments: NOHS is a national organization it will receive sub- grant from the total project budget equivalent to 30,300 USD and occurs in the budget of the project in four lines: Deputy Project Coordinator,Field Officer, Volunteers and NFIs Distribution Cost. The Criteria of selection for 200 Transitional Shelters is different of that for Improve Shelter Materials and NFIs, here only households with children under 5 will receive the transitional shelters because of limited shelters compare to high number of target beneficiaries.

Housing, Land and Property support for displacement affected communities including internally displaced person


This multi-cluster project seeks to strengthen the Housing, Land and Property rights of the displaced affected communities including internally displaced person, returnees and vulnerable community in Jonglei state through preventative and remedial mechanisms and to provide Emergency School Feeding for children in schools in hard to reach areas of Duk through multi-sectoral emergency interventions to increase students’ attendance and nutrition, encourage girls retention, to support local markets where possible, and to provide female and youth income-generation and spread lifesaving nutrition and hygiene practices. Insecurity of land tenure and limited access to agricultural land are some of the major obstacles to the provision of sustainable solutions for vulnerable displaced populations across South Sudan. The project will prioritise land tenure security and facilitate the development and acquisition of legal land tenure documentation for enhanced shelter and livelihoods initiatives. Capacity building for humanitarian and local actors on HLP rights will be done to ensure that this is mainstreamed within the interventions of other stakeholders. Trainings and advocacy on HLP will also help to ensure rights holders, duty bearers and decision makers are empowered to claim, promote and exercise HLP rights and subsequently address HLP violations such as land grabbing, multiple land claims, forced evictions among others. Prevention of HLP rights violations will be approached using community structures in dispute settlement, advocacy and through information, counseling and legal assistance. The project will assist displaced persons attain durable solutions through the prevention of further displacement by supporting them to overcome legal obstacles related to accessing and controlling housing, land and property rights. The project will strengthen dispute resolution for community structures through collaborative Dispute Resolution (CDR) trainings to ensure alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are used to resolve HLP specific cases in the first instance and litigation as a last resort. To further enhance collaboration and multisector responses to forced evictions, the project will work closely with the protection and shelter cluster and other humanitarian actors. As the community-based protection systems are often male dominated and often discriminate against women, NRC will prioritize female beneficiaries during information sessions and legal assistance considering their vulnerability levels. The proposed school feeding intervention will assure children’s continued access to food while continuing their learning and creating a positive pull factor which keeps boys away from fighting and enhances girls’ protection. This project will also contribute to monitoring children’s nutritional intake, guaranteeing that food intended for them is indeed consumed by them. Additionally, the proposed mechanism will create income generation for School Mothers/Grandmothers who will also be a positive female presence in school in addition to training teachers/PTA to spread lifesaving skills related to nutrition and hygiene practices. The action also includes a small youth component to encourage positive community engagement while creating income, to fill needed roles in the school feeding mechanism and to provide skills for youth. Essential life-saving messaging on hygiene, nutrition and protection will also be disseminated by the action. For the proposed project, male and female IDP, returnees and host community children, aged 6-18 in school communities in affected IPC 4/5 areas will be primarily targeted as those in need of nutritious school feeding. Teachers, PTAs members school mothers/grandmothers and youth food monitors from the community will be reached directly with training. Procurement of food will be done at Juba level, however, local bidders from Jonglei will be encourage to apply to minimize transport cost to Duk.

Aprovechamiento integral del fruto del cacao y conservacin de bosques en el departamento de San Martn.


Small-scale producers living in the San Martn region of the Peruvian rainforest face high levels of poverty and social exclusion, a fragile ecosystem, and severe land degradation due to deforestation. At the IAF, we support community-led solutions to expand economic opportunity in Peru. Our grantee partner, Amaznicos por la Amazona (AMPA), works with associations of cacao producers to increase family incomes and protect natural resources by developing an inclusive and scalable business model for converting discarded cacao pulp and husks into high-demand products. AMPA's activities bolster efforts to counteract deforestation and protect the natural resources that communities depend on.