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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 941 - 945 of 2116

Supporting Access to Justice, Fostering Peace and Equity (SAFE)


(Uganda): .SAFE supports peaceful resolution of conflict arising from land disputes, oil exploration and ethnic diversity, and the residual effects of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) conflict in northern Uganda, as a basis for economic growth and service delivery. Working at the national and subnational level, SAFE promotes peaceful resolution of land disputes by promoting dialogue between the Government of Uganda's land management and administration institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholders. It promotes post conflict reconciliation and psychosocial wellbeing among conflict- affected communities. The activity will also build the capacity of CSOs and private sector groups to enhance the development of agriculture and investment in Uganda...

Irrigated Horticulture Support Activity


Lesotho II Compact - Market Driven Irrigation Horticulture (MDIH) Project - Irrigated Horticulture Support Activity; This Activity focuses on helping smallholder farmers and landowners overcome the obstacles to sustaining their irrigation systems by providing relevant technical assistance and attracting experienced commercial farmers to help leverage smallholder efforts and sustain infrastructure investments. To maximize benefits, the Activity features interventions designed with SBC and gender and inclusion in mind, and MCC and the Government expect the interventions to directly contribute to the long-term sustainability and profitability of the Program�s investment in irrigation. The Activity is comprised of the following sub-activities, and will be managed or coordinated by a team of expert consultants who will provide support, training and coordination of all capacity building interventions: (A) Land Rights Formalization Sub-Activity This sub-activity works in tandem with the Rural Land Registration Reform Sub-Activity by focusing on ensuring holders of land rights are able to secure those rights through leases registered with the LAA, taking advantage of the strongest form of land holding in Lesotho. (B) Scheme Management and Capacity Building Sub-Activity Successful management, operation and maintenance of the Irrigation Schemes will require new institutions that are designed for the context of Lesotho as well as a cadre of smallholder farmers and other community members skilled and trained to support those institutions. The Scheme Management and Capacity Building Sub-Activity seeks to provide these two key ingredients through the following interventions: (C) Financial Assistance Program Sub-Activity This sub-activity is designed to address the immediate or short-term financial barriers that hinder small-holder farmers and small- to medium-sized commercial entities from participating in irrigated horticulture, such as the costs for mechanized equipment and the recurrent costs for inputs or maintenance and repair of equipment. To cover these costs and get small-holder farmers operating as soon as possible, this sub-activity provides grants to smallholder farmers to cover their capital requirements including costs of on-farm connections to the main irrigation systems and of mechanized machinery. Additionally, the sub-activity supports a cold chain innovation challenge that will award grants to small businesses that design energy efficient and affordable mobile products for precooling or the process of removing field heat from produce immediately after harvest to slowdown the deterioration and senescence processes thereby decreasing potential post-harvest loss. Given that post-harvest handling and cold chain management in particular are generally expensive and consume significant energy, the Parties expect that developing an affordable precooling system will work to reduce financial barriers of irrigated horticulture for smallholder farmers.

Agro Ecology for Food Security & Inco


Women smallholder Farmers in Zombo District face climate change challenges that have affected their food production and income capacities. These challenges range from prolonged dry spells affecting crop germination, too much and erratic rains which causeflooding and damage root tuber crops such as cassava, yam, and potatoes. Dry spells and waterlogging result in crop diseases which can affectother crops, especially since women producers lack the capacity to control such infestations. These, coupled with ineffective agronomic practices and accelerating climate change impacts and damages, affect the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and their households. The project aims at enhancing the food and income security of 200 women smallholder farmers using the CRAEM model. Oxfam has piloted this model with smallholder women and men food producers, and the model has proven to enhance the resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts and improve productivity. The model emphasizes working with andstrengthening community leadership structures and emphasizes practices and technologies within the means of beneficiaries which can be scaled without further external support Land degradation, poor soil health, and high dependence on rain-fed agriculture has increased the vulnerability of rural households to food insecurity and poverty, eroding productive assets and weakening their coping strategies and resilience. Onset, duration, and intensity of rains vary considerably from year to year, and the increased frequency of erratic weather patterns, including drought and flooding, have negatively impacted the national economy and the livelihoods of the people. New measures are needed to help farmers and consumers cope with the changes in emerging and projected weather patterns. Oxfam would like to support 200 women smallholder farmers to practice climate-smart agriculture to maximise their productivity and increase nutrition and income using the Climate Resilient Agro Ecological Model (CRAEM)

Strengthening of the rural family economy, through the management of Rubber-Shiringa (Hevea Brasiliense), in a


Smallholder producers living in San Martins rainforest face high levels of poverty and social exclusion, a fragile ecosystem and severe land degradation and deforestation. The Centro de Promocin de la Equidad Mara Elena Moyano (Centro Moyano) helps small-scale producers from six organizations increase family incomes, diversify and add value to their products and protect the environment by cultivating agroforestry systems focused on native rubber species and associated crops. At the IAF, we support community-led solutions to expand economic opportunity in Peru. Centro Moyanos activities bolster efforts to counteract environmental degradation and protect the natural resources that communities depend on.



South America's grasslands span approximately 1 million square kilometers across Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Habitat loss, fragmentation, improper use of agrochemicals, and unsustainable agricultural land management threaten the migratory grassland birds dependent on this ecosystem. BirdLife International, with its partners: Aves Argentinas, Aves Uruguay, Guyra Paraguay, and SAVE Brasil, have worked to conserve grassland birds and their habitats through proven, effective, and scalable conservation solutions. The Grassland Alliance will execute four key strategies to safeguard Southern Cone grasslands critical to the survival of Neotropical migrants and other species: 1. Planning - Develop and begin implementing a Grassland Alliance Bird Conservation Business Plan, in consultation with partners and stakeholders, that provides a road map for future conservation investments. 2. Monitoring - Strengthen and deploy a consistent monitoring and evaluation framework across the Southern Cone Grasslands Alliance network, to advance scientific understanding of the needs of grassland Neotropical migratory bird species, and improve effectiveness of grassland conservation measures. 3. Conserving - Improve management on over 765,000 acres of sustainably managed grasslands through continued work with ranchers to implement Best Management Practices, and bird-friendly beef certification. 4. Raising awareness - Enhance awareness of threats to grassland biodiversity, and possible conservation solutions through effective communication.