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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 911 - 915 of 2113

OI Land Rights Policy Lead 2018


Oxfam's GROW campaign works for the billions of us who eat food and for the more than one billion poor men and women who grow it. Through our global campaign, we address inequality in the global food system. Our overall objective is that people living inpoverty claim power in the way the world manages land, water, and climate change, so that they can grow or buy enough food to eat # now and in the future. We support local communities to claim back their power, earn a living income, and to grow or buy food by ensuring investments in rural people. By ensuring investments in rural people, we support them in overcoming the dramatic impacts of climate change on agriculture, allowing them to thrive. GROW focusses on change at national levels and on opportunities to achieve internationalimpact. More specifically, by 2019 we aim for more governments, multilateral institutions and companies implementing policies that promote sustainable food production and consumption, while supporting those most vulnerable to adapt to climate change, and helping communities# realise their rights to land with a particular focus on women who produce much of the world#s food. To ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals, including zero hunger, become a reality, we need innovative ideas that hold a promise of a better future for many # not just a privileged few. We believe there are key factors that drive hunger and inequality: unfair distribution within value chains, insecure land rights, climate change, gender inequality and ever more young people desperate for opportunities leaving rural areas. Oxfam's GROW campaign tackles the key sources in the broken global food system by working to mobilise impacted communities and active consumers alike. Since the launch of the GROWcampaign in 2011 more than 10 million people have been reached through on- and offline campaign activities and a multitude of people has been reached through media coverage. We are proud of the achievements of GROW. We gave small-scale female farmers a voice; through the Behind the Brands campaign significant new commitments have been made by big food and beverage companies to improve social and environmental standards in their vast supply chains; we are proud of our contribution to keep climate finance, especially for adaptation and resilience, on the agenda of the global climate negotiations at COP21 in Paris; and we recently celebrated a land mark victory as the Constitutional Court in Colombia recognized the Land Rights of the indigenous community Cañamomo Lomaprieta and granted protection for ancestral mining activities. An overview of our results can be found on the interactive map. Oxfam is at the beginning of a new phase of the GROW campaign (2017 # 2020). Throughoutthe years, we have been actively updating our context analysis, testing drivers of change, reflecting on models of campaigning, addressing new key actors, and, exploring new alliances. Nonetheless, now more than ever we feel the need to increase our impact and change systemic driversof inequality in the food system. In this document, we present three innovative work streams running until at least 2020. 1. A new worldwide campaign addressing inequality in food value chains (expected launch October 2017) 2. The LandRightsNow campaign 3. Effective adaptation finance to support women farmers. These three projects have received seed funding from inter alia SIDA and we are currently looking for opportunities to up-scale them between 2017-2020 to reach our ultimate objectives. Wewantto note that this document does not present the future direction of the entire GROW campaign but presents three selected trajectories (2017 # 2020) where innovation is key.

Women’s Economic Advancement for Collective Transformation (WeACT)


To support and enable rural women#s voices to ensure access to and control over their productive resources across Africa. Specific objectives:(1) To monitor actions taken by governments in key countries, and Regional Economic Communities, implementing relevant AUinstruments (listed in 1.1.2); (2) To facilitate the strengthening of women#s voices at community level in the face of Large Scale Land Based Investments (LSLBI); (3) To strengthen Pan-African-level civil society leadership and advocacy in support of securing land rights for women and communities. The proposed Action will support Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to contribute to a better enforcement of women#s rights, to implement AU priority policies in the target area and to facilitate the inclusion of women#s land rights priorities in the elaboration of such policies. This consortium of applicants believes strongly that gender discrimination in land rights prevents women from realizing the full benefit from their hard work and it is a constraint on Africa#s development. Thisis also anchored in broader instruments of the African Union, including the Constitutive Act of the AU, especially Article 4-l, on the promotion of gender equality; the African Land Policy Initiative#s Gender Strategy (LPI-GS) for the operationalisation of the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa; the implementation of the AU#s Guiding Principles on Large Scale Land-Based Investments (GP-LSLBI); the Protocol on Women#s Rights towards achieving Africa#s Agenda 2063, the Maputo Protocol, and the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa. If successfully implemented, these AU instruments will significantly boost the struggle of securing women#s land rights on the continent and there is certainly a role to play for CSOs to make this happen. Clearly, African governments have the leverage to AU instrument implementation and negotiate desirable investments and national parliaments need to play a strong oversight role on land rights and forms of agricultural investment. In order to do this effectively, African government officials concluded at the 2014 Conference on Land Policy in Africa that there was a need to create spaces for engagement with civilsociety. This action seeks to contribute and strengthen the advocacy agenda of the CSOs platform established in December 2014; and actively engaging the Land Policy Initiative. At the same time, Oxfam and its consortium partners realize that in order to have successful advocacy and monitoring taking place there is a need to also have a bottom-up approach, to capture grass-root experiences. This project will thus train CSOs to support women and communities to deal with national governments and private sector investors regarding LSLBIs. A recently developed gendered Community Guide to Participating in Large Scale Land Investments will be made available for this. As such, women and communities will have an increased say in these investments, as well as being able to send a strong message to their governments, private sector, and the African Union. This action#s main objective is to support and enable rural women#s voices to ensure access to and control over their productive resources across Africa. Each of the specific objectives (see table 1.1.1.) has a set of linked activities which will be implemented over a 3 year (36 months) period, which is required in order to rollout the capacity building around LSLBI and to implement the programme of monitoring, in such a way that it generates evidence for sustained civil society advocacy leading to change at country and AU level. The action using is using a combination of capacity development of CSOs (for example, development of generic materials to support multi-country monitoring, CSO training of trainers module on the use of the gendered LSLBI tool; workshops with existing national/regional platforms; CSO platform members supported to promotemonitoring/community engagement), community sensitisation/ awareness raising (for example, annual public events to draw attention to progress made; support community training and lessons learned; national workshops involving women from communities), advocacy and monitoring (support periodic participatory monitoring activities to generate national monitoring reports inthe form of scorecards) and research (aggregate results from national monitoring work, integrating experiences from the community engagement work, and publishing of continental reports). Key stakeholders groups include women in rural communities who areoften not consulted on issues related to land and deprived of their land rights; regional, national and local organisations and networks representing the interests of women, small-holder farmers, and rural communities in general, who can improve their roleas representatives and defenders of Women Land Rights (WLR); national and local government actors are involved in land governance and land deals, in particular national investment agencies, and ministries of land and agriculture; traditional authorities are also often involved, on behalf of communities; companies involved in LSLBI, in particular agribusiness and investors in agriculture; the relevant African Union-level organs, especially the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), can also play a role, particularly in relation to monitoring and implementation of strategies and norms. Their buy-in to credibly support monitoring and accountability of gendered policies and standards, as well as to support community engagement which is empowering of women (in line with the aims of this action) could lead to negotiations that privilege and protects WLR. This consortium is ideally placed to address the above issues, and is geographically well spread. Oxfam has a long history of supporting work to improve land governanceacross Africa. It helped found many of the national land alliances, has a long track record of working on WLR, and more recently, in addressing the policies and practices of the private sector when it comes to land issues. For this project, the consortiumalso will make use of Oxfam#s AU Liaison Office in Addis Ababa. PROPAC helps to mobilise rural women from across Africa to seek accountability from decision makers at national and continental level. PROPAC, which is basedin Cameroon, will serve as aleadorganisation to mobilise and coordinate other CSOs involved in the action in the target countries through their membership of the International Land Coalition (ILC) and the Pan African Farmers Organization (PAFO). The Institute forPoverty, Land andAgrarian Studies (PLAAS) from South Africa is a university-based research institute which conducts research, training and policy engagement on the social, political and economic dynamics of rural and agro-food system restructuring in Southern Africa.

Land Governance in Cambodia


The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) works to improve life for poor and vulnerable people in Cambodia. It is a membership organisation that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policydialogue,debate and advocacy. With this project, NGOF is responsible to lead coordinating the consultation process for the draft AgricultureLand Law with a number of local and international NGOs and farmers in Cambodia. The goal of the project is to enhance meaningful participation of civil society organizations and farming communities with qualified inputs in constructive dialogue for the improvement of the draft Agriculture Land Law and especially to collect inputs from stakeholders for improving thedraft law. The project expected that a) practical consultation tools of Agriculture Land Law will be produced and oriented for three consecutively regional consultations. b) Legal analysis recommendation report will be consolidated as one for influence and dialogue with government. c) Participants will have opportunities to share comments, experiences and conditions of actual geographical regions in terms of legal aspects and socio-economic conditions reflecting the draft law; d) Participants will be able to gather good comments and ideas from stakeholders for inclusion as important substances in order for the drafting process to become even better and appropriate within the Cambodian context.

PanNature - Agri-investment in Mekong


In Phase 1, PanNature will work with Oxfam in Vietnam will to conduct research and advocacy on Vietnamese cross-border agriculturalinvestments in Laos and Cambodia. We will prioritize leading crops like rubber, coffee, and sugar cane, with an aim to reducing social and environmental impacts of investment. The project will be coordinated and managed by the land governance program team in Vietnam, in cooperation with Oxfam country offices in Laos and Cambodia, Oxfam Hong Kong, and a range of local government, NGO and private sector partners. In Phase 2, PanNature will lead the Guideline pilots in 2 Vietnamese companies investing in Laos and Cambodia,contribute to refining the Guideline for its roll over to other companies and work with Oxfam in overall advocacy activities.

Country Office 506493 OXFAM NOVIB COUNTR


The Coalition Support Programme (CSP) aims to contribute to more accountable governance and to more progressive policy processes and impacts in Vietnam. CSP operates by identifying, fostering and supporting issue-based coalitions for effective advocacy within thepolicy making process. #Coalitions# in this context means multi-stakeholder cooperation among Vietnamese NGOs (VNGOs), state agencies at different levels, media, universities and research institutes, and the private sector. CSP expected to deliver the following outcomes: Improve policies, policy making and monitoring processes via (1) Functioning coalitions ready to act on issues of public concern through effective multi-stakeholder involvement in policy processes, and (2) Strengthening engagement of non-governmental organisations at national and sub-national levels to promote public participation and accountability in law-making and oversight agendaof the National Assembly. Six coalitions have been supported through the implementation phase (phase 1, from 2013 to 2015) on Mining, Forest Land (Forland), Land Policy (Landa), Clean Water, Health, and Agriculture. The coalitions joined CSP on a rolling basis over the first year of the implementation phase: Mining and Forland began in March 2013; Landa in June 2013; Clean Water in September2013; and Health and Agriculture in January 2014. In addition to policy processes advocated by each of the six coalitions, CSP identified key cross-cutting policy opportunities affecting the operating environment for coalition members. In 2015, CSP contributed to 5 cross-cutting processes. In total, the six coalitions and CSP have contributed to 43 policy processes during the last three years (with some processes extending over more than one year). From January 2016, CSP decides to support 4 coalitions, including MiningCoalition, Forland, Clean Water Coalition, and Agriculture Coalition base on the result of end-term review. Beside of 4 coalitions, Oxfam also cooperate with People Participation Working Group (PPWG) which has more than 200 members and coordinate by the Institute for Studies of Society, Economics and Environment (iSEE), a Vietnamese NGO. PPWG is an informal network that acts as a forum for organisations and professionals - such as donors, government employees, NGOs, project managers, consultants and researchers to exchange information and ideas on issues relating to people#s participation, grassroots democracy and civil society. In recent years, PPWG has been an active group to do awareness raising and advocacy for policies and legislation towards enlarging civil society space in Vietnam such as advocacy for amendment of Constitution 2013, Law on Law, Law on Access to Information, Law on Association and Decree 93 on management and utilisation of foreign non-governmental aid. Through its work, PPWG also strengthens cooperation among different civil society actors and increase the public understanding and support for a necessary role of civil society in Vietnam. Oxfam has been an active steering committee member of the PPWG since it established in 1999, we also acted as the chair of the group during 2005 - 2006.