Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs, research organizations etc.
Displaying 2111 - 2113 of 2113REDD-Plus Benefits: Facilitating countries and communities in designing pro-poor REDD-Plus benefit-sharing sch
Pro-poor REDD benefit-sharing schemes incentivize reduction of forest emissions by safeguarding livelihoods of forest communities. This project fills a gap by building capacity and modeling benefit-sharing schemes for REDD activities. Aligned with the workplan of the REDD-Plus Partnership, it scales up actions needed for national REDD strategies under the Cancun Agreement.
Small and medium irrigation perimeters (PMH III)
Increase of the agricultural production on the rehabilitated perimeters by improving the mobilization and distribution of water.
Technical assistance to strenghten local governance and recognition of communal land
Support to the RIC (Registro de Informacion Catatsral de Guatemala) to strenghten local governance and recognition of communal land.