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Shamba showdown ukama ustawi progress report

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

The Shamba Showdown project emerges in response to a critical, yet under-addressed issue in Kenya's agriculture sector: the aging farmer population and the disinterest of the youth in farming. Despite the fact that 85% of Kenya's food supply is domestically grown, primarily by smallholder farmers, there is a looming food crisis driven by the aging demographic of these farmers.

Encouraging adaptation of sustainable land management technologies in rural Ethiopia: Findings from baseline data collection

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Baseline survey findings from a randomized control trial that examines the effects of a sustainable land management training delivered to couples or women only in the context of rural Ethiopia where all participants are beneficiaries of a targeted social safety net program. The baseline survey was conducted in June 2023 and results were presented to implementation partners in October 2023.

Feed Processing and Feed Formulation of Compound Feeds for sheep fattening in Ethiopia: A Training Report

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

The training targeted youth and women sheep fattening groups, aiming to enhance their knowledge and skills in optimizing feed management practices. ICARDA partnered with the National Agricultural Research Centers of Areka, Bonga, and Debre Berhan to deliver the training sessions.