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IssuesarrendamentoLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 781 - 792 of 1420

Regional Law No. 284-OZ “On minimum and maximum land plots”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes that minimum land area of newly consolidated agricultural land, including reclaimed land, allotted on condition of ownership or lease shall be 5 ha. Maximum land area of agricultural land that can be allotted or purchased by a single citizen and (or) a single legal person shall be determined in accordance with the type of agricultural activity and specified in the Annex to this Regional Law.

Regional Law No. 23-RZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law shall be applicable to turnover of agricultural land pertaining to public or municipal property. Privatization of agricultural land pertaining to public and municipal property can be performed 49 years after the date of entry into force of this Regional Law. Distant pastures shall be excluded from privatization. Agricultural land parcels can be expropriated from the owners if it remains unused or non-purposefully used for the period of three years.

Quarriable Substances Act (SNB 1991, c Q-1.1).

América do Norte

The present Act concerns the operation of mines, other than coal. Quarriable substances are vested in the owner of the land in or on which they lie. The Minister of Natural Resources controls the extraction of quarriable substances from Crown Land and that area of the shore that lies within three hundred metres above and three hundred metres below the ordinary high water mark.

Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) (Amendment) Act, 2010 (Act No. 10 of 2010).

Trindade e Tobago

This Act amends the Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) Act in section 4(3) by deleting the words “at least six months” and substituting the words “on or”. Section 4(2) provides that a statutory lease shall be a lease for thirty years commencing from the appointed day and, subject to subsection (3), renewable by the tenant for a further period of thirty years.

General Regulation – Quarriable Substances Act (N.B. Reg. 93-92).

América do Norte

The present Regulation enacts certain sections of the Quarriable Substances Act (SNB 1991, c Q-1.1). The text – consisting of 28 sections – deals, inter alia, with the following aspects: shore areas, quarry permit, quarry lease, peat exploration licence, peat lease, written authorization, renewal of quarry lease or peat lease, fee for transfer of quarry lease or peat lease, protection, reclamation and rehabilitation.

Adelaide Park Lands Regulations 2006.


These Regulations, consisting of eight sections, implement provisions of the Adelaide by: declaring that the Royal Zoological Society of South Australia Incorporated is a State authority; specifying obligations of the Minister to publish a notice in the Gazette when depositing an instrument in the General Registry Office; declaring land which does not require identification by the management strategy; specifying availability of management plans; and prescribing the period of time for preparing a report concerning the State’s Government position on the future use and status of land occupied

Crown Land Management Regulations 2010.


These Regulations, consisting of seven sections completed by two Schedules, implement sections 25, 27 and 61 of the Crown Land Management Act 2009 by prescribing: circumstances in which the disposal of Crown land by transfer or grant of the fee simple does not need to be by public auction, public tender or other open competitive process; land included in the Adelaide Park Lands to be Crown land; and unlawful occupation of Crown land during the period of three weeks to be an offence.

Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) Act.


This Act establishes the Real Estate Board and provides rules for the registration and operation of real estate dealers, real estate salesmen and real estate developers. It also provides for certain matters regarding development schemes and for inspection by real estate inspectors. Engaging in real estate business for purposes of this Act includes lease of land and the management of land. The functions of the Board shall be to regulate and control the practice of real estate business, the disposition of land in development schemes and the operation of such schemes.

Crown Lands Act (R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 114).

América do Norte

The object and purpose of the present Act is to provide for the most effective utilization of Crown lands by: a) the application of proven forest management techniques to enhance productivity on Crown lands and to provide for an increasing harvest of better quality forest products; b) requiring that leasing and licensing arrangements on Crown lands are providing for equitable stumpage rates, adequate investments in forest improvements and improved market access for privately produced wood; c) the integration of wildlife and outdoor recreation considerations in the forest management planning

Regional Law No. 539-ZCHO “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates relations related to tenure, ownership and management of agricultural land. It establishes minimum agricultural land area in the process of land consolidation of 0,04 ha. Maximum agricultural land area owned by a single natural or legal person shall not exceed 10 percent of total available agricultural land area. Regional administration shall have preferential terms for purchase of agricultural land at established price. Minimum period of lease of agricultural land for agricultural production shall be 11 months, for other authorized uses – 10 months.

Tenancy Law 2011 (No. 14 of 2011).

África Ocidental

This Law regulates the relationship between tenants and landlords in the State of Lagos and defines obligations and rights of landlords and tenants and powers and jurisdiction of court in matters regarding tenancy.A tenancy agreement shall for the purposes of this Law, be deemed to exist where premises are granted by the landlord to a person for value whether or not it is: (a) express or implied; (b) oral or written or partly oral or partly written; or (c) for a fixed period.