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Decreto Nº 126-97: Ley reguladora de las áreas de reservas territoriales del Estado de Guatemala.

América Central

La presente Ley establece el marco normativo para las áreas de reserva territoriales del Estado de Guatemala, que están constituidas por aquellas áreas: contenidas en la faja terrestre de tres kilómetros a lo largo de los océanos, contadas a partir de la línea superior de las mareas; de doscientos metros alrededor de las orillas de los lagos; de cien metros a cada lado de las riberas de los ríos navegables; de cincuenta metros alrededor de las fuentes y manantiales donde las aguas surtan a las poblaciones.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 2012/4017 amending the Decision on the usage of revenues acquired by the implementation of Law No. 6292.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Decision makes a minor change in Article. 1 of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 2012/3907 on the usage of revenues acquired by the implementation of Law No. 6292. Acording to this Decision three percent of the revenues may be used for investment purposes instead of 0.52 percent as Decision No. 3907 determined.

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 2012/3907 on the usage of revenues acquired by the implementation of Law No. 6292.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Decision sets out the procedure of the usage of revenues acquired by the implementation of Law No. 6292 on supporting the development of forest villagers, valuation of areas declassified from being forest area on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury.

Regional Law No. 2167-OD amending Regional Law No. 855-OD “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa Oriental

Article 8 shall be amended to add the following wording: “In case of transfer of ownership to a land share to other person insertion of modification into land lease contract shall not be requested”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 855-OD “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2014-04-01)

Law No. 6292 on supporting the development of forest villagers, valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Law sets forth the principles and procedures of valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury. The Law also sets out the principles and procedures of creation of new forest areas, replacement of forest villagers and supporting the development of replaced forest villages. The provisions of this Law covers only areas taken out of forest area borders in accordance with Article. 2 of the Law No. 6831 and covers the agriculture lands owned by the Treasury.

Real Property Limitation (Cap. 56:03).

Trindade e Tobago

This Act places limits and restrictions on actions related to real property rights and regarding in particular recovery of land and rent. The Act provides rules for the accrual of the right to make entry or distress and defines rights of tenants. It also concerns limitation of action by mortgagees, mortgagors and heirs.

Regional Law No. 608-119 “On methodology of calculation of lease fees for public land”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes that amount of lease fee, fixed by land lease contract, shall be established in accordance with the present methodology in accordance with annual lease fee calculation formula set forth by the Regional Government. The amount of land lease fee shall be fixed within two percent of cadastre values of land plots allotted on lease.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 675-131 amending Regional Law No. 608-119 “On methodology of calculation of lease fees for public land”. (2015-11-11)

Regional Law No. 44-10 “On preferential terms for payment of lease for public land plots”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of granting preferential terms of payment for lease of public land, that can be granted to some categories of leaseholders in accordance with regional laws and by Governor’s Decrees exclusively within the period of current financial year.

Regional Law No. 10-GD “On lease”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning state support through public fincncing of lease. The aforesaid public financing shall be performed out of regional budget. Regional Administration shall involve regional banks for payments related to servicing of lease contracts.Lessees can repay lease contracts by supply of agricultural commodities.

Ley Nº 263 - Código de Tierras Fiscales.

América do Sul

La presente Ley establece el marco normativo para promover el cumplimiento de la función social de la tierra fiscal, mediante su arrendamiento y enajenación en forma progresiva y orgánica a favor de los auténticos trabajadores del campo. El objetivo principal de la Ley es la protección del campesinado y la reactivación de la tierra fiscal. En este contexto se fija el principio en virtud del cual la tierra no debe constituir un bien de renta sino un instrumento de trabajo.