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Issuesgovernança da terraLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1309 - 1320 of 2396

Voluntary guidelines on the governance of tenure at a glance

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2012

This guide provides an overview of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. It describes the nature, purpose, contents and intended audience of the Guidelines. The guide explains what is meant by tenure and describes how improving the governance of tenure can serve to eradicate hunger and poverty and lead to the sustainable use of natural resources.

Land tenure alternative conflict management

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2006
Estados Unidos
El Salvador
Reino Unido
África do Sul

This training manual focuses on how to manage and resolve conflicts over land tenure rights, security of tenure and land access in the field of rural development. It results from complementary activities undertaken within FAO's Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) and the Land Tenure and Management Unit and with the International Land Coalition. It addresses the specific issues of land tenure identified in the volume Negotiation and Mediation Techniques for Natural Resource Management published by the LSP.

La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2004

Le présent guide sur La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale a été préparé pour aider les administrateurs des terres qui participent à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de systèmes d'imposition sur la propriété rurale. Les institutions foncières sont de plus en plus souvent appelées à soutenir la décentralisation des services vers les collectivités locales. L'un des objectifs de la décentralisation est d'améliorer la prestation de services au niveau administratif le plus proche de ces services.

Artigos seleccionados sobre questões de terras em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 1996

o presente trabalho e uma compilação de vàrios artigos que sintetizam os resultados de pesquisas de campo sobre acesso e segurança de posse de terra efectuados nos liltimos cinco anos em Moçambique. Trata-se de pesquisas realizadas pelo projecto sobre Política Fundiária -Land Tenure Center da Universidade de Wisconsin, Estados Unidos da América, em colaboração com o Ministério da Agricultura e o NET-Núcleo de Estudos da Terra, da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.

Decreto nº 7.7794

Legislation & Policies
Julho, 2012

A PRESIDENTA DA REPÚBLICA, no uso das atribuições que lhe confere o art. 84, caput, incisos IV eVI, alínea “a”, da Constituição, e tendo em vista o disposto no art. 50 da Lei nº 10.711, de 5 de agosto de 2003, e no art. 11 da Lei nº 10.831, de 23 de dezembro de 2003,  


PRONEA- Progeama Nacional de Educação Ambiental

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2014

A Educação Ambiental surge como política pública no
Brasil com o estabelecimento da Política Nacional
de Meio Ambiente – PNMA (Lei nº 6.938, de 1981),
no contexto da Conferência Intergovernamental de Educação Ambiental de Tbilisi (1977), que destacou o processo educativo como dinâmico, integrativo, permanente e transformador, justamente porque possibilita a aquisição de conhecimentos e habilidades de forma participativa. Desde então, outros marcos legais foram estabelecidos.

UN-Habitat and GLTN Youth-Led Action Research on Land Commencement Workshop Report

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Fevereiro, 2013

The land challenge is central to the broader youth dynamics of migration, employment, livelihoods and belonging. The more than 1.8 billion youth living worldwide represent not only a land challenge, but an untapped potential in moving the tenure security agenda forward. Recognizing this, the Global Land Tool Network has partnered with UN-Habitat to develop youth responsive land tools through the Youth-led Action Research on Land program. Five action research projects will be undertaken by youth organizations in Brazil, Kenya, Nepal, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

Governance of Land Use Planning to Reduce Fire Risk to Homes Mediterranean France and California

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2017

Wildfire is a natural part of forested Mediterranean systems. As humans continue to live and build housing in these areas, wildfire is a constant threat to homes and lives. The goal of this paper is to describe aspects of land-use planning that are used to reduce wildfire risk in institutionally divergent regions; southern France and California.

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics in Relation to Shifting Inundation and Fire Regimes: Disentangling Environmental Variability from Land Management Decisions in a Southern African Transboundary Watershed

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2015

Increasing temperatures and wildfire incidence and decreasing precipitation and river runoff in southern Africa are predicted to have a variety of impacts on the ecology, structure, and function of semi-arid savannas, which provide innumerable livelihood resources for millions of people.

Agrosilvopastoral Systems in Northern Thailand and Northern Laos: Minority Peoples’ Knowledge versus Government Policy

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2014

Traditional agrosilvopastoral systems have been an important component of the farming systems and livelihoods of thousands of ethnic minority people in the uplands of Mainland Southeast Asia. Drawing on a combination of qualitative and participatory inquiries in nine ethnic minority communities, this study emphasizes the complex articulation of local farmers’ knowledge which has been so far excluded from governmental development and conservation policies in the northern uplands of Thailand and Laos.

“Nothing Is Like It Was Before”: The Dynamics between Land-Use and Land-Cover, and Livelihood Strategies in the Northern Vietnam Borderlands

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2015

Land uses are changing rapidly in Vietnam’s upland northern borderlands. Regional development platforms such as the Greater Mekong Subregion, state-propelled market integration and reforestation programs, and lowland entrepreneurs and migrants are all impacting this frontier landscape. Drawing on a mixed methods approach using remote sensing data from 2000 to 2009 and ethnographic fieldwork, we examine how land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) has occurred across three borderland provinces—Lai Châu, Lào Cai and Hà Giang—with high proportions of ethnic minority semi-subsistence farmers.

Application of Anthromes to Frame Scenario Planning for Landscape-Scale Conservation Decision Making

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2017

Complexities in the rates and patterns of change necessitate the consideration of alternate futures in planning processes. These scenarios, and the inputs and assumptions used to build them, should reflect both ecological and social contexts. Considering the regional landscape as an anthrome, a priori, assumes human needs and institutions have a fundamental role and place in these futures, but that institutions incorporate ecological limits in decision making.