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Government Regulation of the R.I. No. 71 of 2014 concerning Protection and Management of Ecosystem of Peat lands.

Setembro, 2014

This Government Regulation, consisting of 47 articles divided into nine Chapters, implements Law No. 32 of 2009 on Protection and Environmental Management, and aims at protecting and managing Peatlands ecosystems. Planning of Peatland Ecosystem Protection and Management is done through the following stages: 1. Peatland Ecosystem inventory; 2. Determination of the function of the Peat Ecosystem; and 3. Drafting and establishing the Peatland Ecosystem Protection and Management plan.

Decreto Nº 3445 - Reglamentación e la Ley 10552 de manejo y conservación de los suelos.

Novembro, 1992

El presente Decreto establece las normas reglamentarias de la Ley de manejo y conservación de los suelos. Se establecen los requisitos que deben cumplir los planes de conservación. Asimismo se reglamenta el régimen sancionatorio.

Implementa: Ley 10552 - Ley de conservación y manejo de suelos. (1990-11-22)

Government Regulation of the R.I. No. 57 of 2016 amending Government Regulation of the R.I. No. 71 of 2014 on Protection and Management of Ecosystem of Peat lands.

Dezembro, 2016

This Government Regulation amends several articles of Government Regulation of the R.I. No. 71 of 2014 on Protection and Management of Ecosystem of Peat lands. Amendments deal with several aspects of the above mentioned Regulation, such as: requirements, definitions of Peat ecosystem which is a peat element structure which is an integral whole that affects each other in shaping the balance, stability, productivity, etc. Hydrological Unity Peat is a peat ecosystem located between two rivers, between rivers and seas and/or on swamps.

Decree-Law No. 43/2017 redefining the Southern Integral Tourism Development Zone of "Baia das Gatas" on the island of São Vicente.

Setembro, 2017
Cabo Verde

This Decree-Law, redefines the Southern Integral Tourism Development Zone (ZDTI) of "Baia das Gatas" within the island of São Vicente. It establishes new configuration of the above mentioned zone, taking into account that the previous amendment did not take into account the people agglomeration of the Northern ZDTI of the Baia das Gatas that is contained in the Southern ZDTI.

Ministerial Decree № 10 on land categorization and change in category of land.

Janeiro, 2017

This Decree sets forth provisions on land classification, cadastral information system, change in the category of agricultural land and pastures, change in the category of lands affected by radioactive and chemical contamination and degraded by natural hazards, expansion of lands in forests and protected areas, and the procedures and principles for the change in the category of land. This Decree shall apply to agricultural land under the condition that the intended purpose does not change.

Town and Country Planning (Kingston and Saint Andrew and the Pedro Cays) Provisional Development Order, 2017 (S.I. No. 55 of 2017).

Maio, 2017

This Order, made under section 5 of the Town and Country Planning Act, provides for a wide variety of matters regarding the administration and development of the areas of the Parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew and the Pedro Cays as described in the First Schedule.

National Land Policy.

National Policies
Dezembro, 1996

The National Land Policy was adopted by Jamaica in 1997 as a national policy for the land sector. It establishes the framework needed for Jamaica to become more progressive, transparent and modern in its approaches to land and geographic information management systems, land administration and utilization, land resources and environmental management, and land development planning. The goals and objectives of this Policy are to ensure the sustainable, productive and equitable development, use and management of the country’s natural resources.

Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2001

The Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy is a strategic instrument with a national coverage which sets out the goals to be attained for sustainable development and outlines related measures and actions to be undertaken. The national environmental action strategy ensures continuity to the European Union action, namely through the Sixth Environmental Action Plan, with the targets regarding social cohesion, full employment and environmental protection approved by the Council of Europe in Lisbon and Göthenburg.