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Agriculture and food security in selected countries in Sub-Sahara Africa: diversity in trends and opportunities

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

The World Food Summit in 1996 set the goal of reducing by half the numbers of malnourished people in the world by 2015. It is unlikely that this will be reached, and particularly not in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Food imports in SSA have increased in the past forty years, since domestic production could not keep up with population growth. Several studies have reported about this stagnating food production in SSA. However, this region encompasses a large number of countries, with a great variety of agro-ecological zones and large differences in land, labour and other resources.

Spatial Data Structure and Functionalities for 3D Land Management System Implementation: Israel Case Study

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2018

With the existence of mature technologies and modern urban planning necessities, there is a growing public demand to improve the efficiency and transparency of government administrations. This includes the formation of a comprehensive modern spatial land management (cadastre) system having the capacity to handle various types of data in a uniform way—above-terrain and below-terrain—enabling the utilization of land and space for various complex entities.

Adaptation of land management in the Mediterranean under scenarios of irrigation water use and availability

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2017

Meeting the growing demand for food in the future will require adaptation of water and land management to future conditions. We studied the extent of different adaptation options to future global change in the Mediterranean region, under scenarios of water use and availability. We focused on the most significant adaptation options for semiarid regions: implementing irrigation, changes to cropland intensity, and diversification of cropland activities.

A spatially explicit representation of conservation agriculture for application in global change studies

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2018

Conservation agriculture (CA) is widely promoted as a sustainable agricultural management strategy with the potential to alleviate some of the adverse effects of modern, industrial agriculture such as large-scale soil erosion, nutrient leaching and overexploitation of water resources. Moreover, agricultural land managed under CA is proposed to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation through reduced emission of greenhouse gases, increased solar radiation reflection, and the sustainable use of soil and water resources.

Getting a grip on hydrological and sediment connectivity

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2017

Land degradation is a large problem worldwide, especially in agricultural areas. Between 1-6 billion ha of land worldwide is affected by land degradation. With an increasing world population, more food production is needed and, therefore, more land is converted into agricultural areas. This conversion of land to agricultural areas, in turn, leads to more land degradation. Some common forms of land degradation are desertification, salinization and soil erosion by water. The negative effects of soil erosion have been recognized for a long time.

Vendre les terres au plus offrant: Le plan de la Banque Mondiale pour privatiser les biens communs

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2018

Date: 2019

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Frédéric Mousseau (The Oakland Institute)

Ce rapport détaille comment la Banque Mondiale préconise des réformes, via un nouvel indicateur foncier dans le projet EBA (Enabling the Business of Agriculture), qui encourage les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle et l’expansion de l’agrobusiness dans les pays en développement.

Les effets des investissements agrobusiness au Sénégal et la régulation des marchés fonciers à Madagascar: nouveau numéro de la Revue d’économie rurale

Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2018

Date: 2018

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Société française d'économie rurale

Ce nouveau numéro de la Revue d’Economie Rurale aborde les cas des investissements agrobusiness au Sénégal et de la régulation des marchés fonciers à Madagascar. Présentation de ces deux articles en quelques lignes :

Assentamento Dois Riachões: A luta pela terra e agroecologia

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2018

O Assentamento Dois Riachões é composto por 38 famílias, com cerca de 170 pessoas e está situada no município de Ibirapitanga-BA no território Baixo Sul da Bahia no Bioma Mata Atlântica a 380 km da capital - Salvador. A Comunidade está organizada em associação, composta por uma coordenação colegiada, representantes da executiva (presidente, secretário e tesoureiro) e setores de produção (gênero, e