Amerindian Lands Commission Act (59:03).
The Act provides for the establishment of a permanent government institution called the Amerindian Lands Commission.
The Act provides for the establishment of a permanent government institution called the Amerindian Lands Commission.
The Regulations define the rights of the Amerindians to occupy a portion of the ungranted and unlicensed State lands for the purpose of residence. The Amerindians may not clear the forest or cultivate any ungranted land other than specified in these Regulations (reg. 5). This entails that forestry activities are limited to residential purposes only, and certain species may not be cut for any purpose. (12 regulations)
Implements: State Lands Act 1903 (Cap. 62:01). (1953)
El Decreto Ley consta de 16 Títulos y 177 artículos.
The Act facilitates dealings in land by providing for incorporation of owners of native land and powers of assembled owners (preamble). The objects of incorporation include: to occupy and manage the land as a plantation or farm, to use the land for the growing of timber, to engage in coal mining and to arrange for the lease of land (sect. 5). The Court may make an order of incorporation on the application of any persons interested, stating, inter alia, the objects for which the the body corporate is established (sect. 7).
The text concerns a minor amendment of article 58, subsection (2).
Amends: Land (Facilitation of Dealings) Act (Act No. 7 of 1970). (1970-09-22)
The amendment inserts a new article 35a concerning the representation of absent owners at incorporation meetings and at assembled owners meetings.
Amends: Land (Facilitation of Dealings) Act (Act No. 7 of 1970). (1970-09-22)
Le Code pastoral définit les règles générales devant régir la pratique de l'élevage traditionnel en République de Guinée. Le Code pose les principes juridiques relatifs à l'organisation de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles à des fins d'élevage, à la garantie des droits d'usage pastoraux, aux règlements des différends entre éleveurs et agriculteurs.
La présente ordonnance fixe les principes qui gouvernent l'utilisation des terres, de l'eau et des forêts dans les zones rurales. Par mesure de principe, l'ordonnance prévoit que les droits qui s'exercent sur les ressources naturelles bénéficient d'une égale protection, qu'ils résultent de la coutume ou du droit écrit.
La Ley consta de 11 capítulos, 161 artículos y 17 transitorios.
This Order provides for the establishment of a Land Tribunal for the purposes of section 40 of the Tribal Land Act. It prescribes the composition of the Tribunal and the procedure for lodging appeals against a decision of a land board. If, in the opinion of the Land Tribunal concerned, the points at issue in the notice of appeal are not clearly enough defined to enable it to hear and determine the matter, it may remit it to the parties or the land board concerned, with such directions or advice as it deems appropriate or necessary.
This Act makes provision in respect of the granting rights in traditional aboriginal land in the Northern Territory to aboriginals.
This Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to participate in forest land management activities on Indian forest lands either directly or through contracts, cooperative agreements or grants under the Indian Self-Determination Act.