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Issues direito fundiário related Blog post
There are 3, 883 content items of different types and languages related to direito fundiário on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 39

Traditional authorities need a clearer role in land governance

07 Maio 2024

Traditional authorities in Zambia complain that the government does not consult them when land is allocated for investment projects, while communities say chiefs are neglecting their interests. Jesinta Kunda of Zambia Land Alliance says more clarity is needed on the role of traditional authorities, in law and practice, to ensure large-scale investments in agriculture, mining and other sectors are governed better – particularly in light of the rising demand for critical minerals found in Zambia. She urges the government, traditional leaders and citizens to seize the opportunities presented by current legal reforms in Zambia to create change.

Understanding the link between Climate & LAND-at-scale country projects - Sustainable Solutions for Rural-Urban Migrants in Baidoa, Somalia

19 Fevereiro 2024
Karel Boers
Marta Cavallaro
Aoife Ossendorp

As part of a scoping study titled Land Governance for Climate Resilience: A review and case studies from LAND-at-scale projects headed by Richard Sliuzas, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente, IOM explored how climate plays a role in the UN-led Saameynta Joint Programme in Somalia. In this context, climate change is increasingly recognized as a multiplier of insecurity and fragility, where climate-related sudden and slow-onset disasters are driving people to leave their land and migrate. While migrating allows people to find alternative livelihoods and enhance their climate resilience, it can also be associated with instances of maladaptation to climate change. As such, this case highlights durable solutions in climate-driven urban sprawl in Baidoa.  

Land registration and the local social contract

06 Março 2023
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf

During the Annual Conference hosted by the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law (KPSRL), the LAND-at-scale knowledge management organised a session exploring how land registration might impact relations between local governments and the populations they are expected to serve. Land registration interventions today often follow a path of decentralisation in which local land offices are tasked with additional responsibilities, or new entities are being created. These local offices give local authorities an important role in land mapping, registration, administration and adjudication.

Recapitulação de Webinário: Segurança da posse da terra revisitada

21 Dezembro 2022
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf

Em 15 de dezembro de 2022, a equipe de Gerenciamento de Conhecimento da LAND-at-scale  foi anfitriã de um webinário sobre segurança da posse da terra revisitado: Sabemos o que precisamos saber? que apresentou as conclusões preliminares de um estudo sobre segurança da posse de terras, elaborado por Guus van Westen e Jaap Zevenbergen. A apresentação do estudo foi seguida de sessões abertas sobre a segurança da posse e sua relação com os direitos das mulheres à terra, o papel do Estado, os conflitos fundiários e o desenvolvimento econômico facilitado por especialistas e painelistas que relataram ao plenário as discussões com suas respectivas reflexões sobre os resultados do estudo.


18 Janeiro 2022
Gilvander Moreira

Como fruto da luta renhida pela terra, o campesinato organizado conseguiu inscrever na Constituição de 1988 (CF/88) também o artigo 186, que enumera os requisitos indispensáveis para que a propriedade atenda à função social e que já havia sido incluído no Estatuto da Terra, passa a ter a natureza jurídica de princípio fundamental.

Call for Papers: Building Power, Deepening Democracy: Global Perspectives on Environmental Justice

25 Agosto 2021
Seraphin Muramira

Submission Deadline: All manuscripts should be submitted for consideration by December 31, 2021.

The global environmental crisis is intertwined with the crisis of social and economic inequality. From coal plants to palm oil plantations, economic activities that threaten the planet are concentrated in communities with less power and wealth. “You can’t have climate change without sacrifice zones,” writes Hop Hopkins, “and you can’t have sacrifice zones without disposable people.”1