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Scottish Landfill Tax (Standard Rate and Lower Rate) Order 2015 (S.S.I. No. 127 of 2015).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

This Order, made under section 13(2) and (5) of the Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014, specifies the first standard rate and lower rate for Scottish landfill tax. Tax is to be calculated by reference to the weight and types of material disposed of, as provided for in section 13 of the Act.

Implements: Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014 (2014 asp 2). (2014-01-21)

Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2015 (S.S.I. No. 152 of 2015).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

These Regulations amend the Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Regulations 2015 so as to make provision for the purposes of the Scottish landfill tax in relation to weigh bridges for weighing material intended for landfill and weighing-related offences and penalties. Other provisions make minor correcting amendments.

Amends: Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Regulations 2015 (S.S.I. No. 3 of 2015). (2015-01-08)

Scottish Landfill Tax (Exemption Certificates) Order 2015 (S.S.I. No. 151 of 2015).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

This Order provides that exemption certificates may be issued by Revenue Scotland to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish local authorities and other bodies who have powers to remove illegally or improperly deposited waste. In terms of the Order, disposals of illegally deposited waste at an authorised landfill site are not chargeable to Scottish landfill tax under the Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014, if made in accordance with an exemption certificate.

Implements: Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014 (2014 asp 2). (2014-01-21)

Ley Nº 13/2015 - Ley de ordenación territorial y urbanística de la Región de Murcia.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la regulación de la ordenación del territorio, la ordenación del litoral y de la actividad urbanística en la Región de Murcia para garantizar, en el ámbito de un desarrollo sostenible, el derecho a disfrutar de un medio ambiente adecuado para el desarrollo de la persona y la protección de la naturaleza, el derecho a disfrutar de una vivienda digna y adecuada y la protección del patrimonio cultural y del paisaje.

Presidential Decree No. 563 on institution of protected areas - biosphere reserve.

Europa Oriental

The President declares to validate the institution of land and marine protected areas included in accordance with UNESCO Program “People and biosphere” in the international network of biosphere reserves with a view of natural ecosystems conservation and performance of scientific research related to the most precious ecosystems of the Earth. In particular this Presidential Decree refers to biosphere reserves Ascania-Nova (Kherson region), the Black Sea biosphere reserve (Kherson and Mykolaiv regions) and Carpathians Mountains (Transcarpathian region).

Marco Estratégico Agrario. Directrices Básicas 2009- 2018.

National Policies
América do Sul

Este documento, de carácter multisectorial, constituye el marco estratégico para el desarrollo del sector agrario en todo el territorio nacional, relativamente al período 2009-2018. El propósito del Marco Estratégico Agrario (MEA) es servir de instrumento para el desarrollo del sector agrario y así contribuir a elevar el nivel y mejorar la calidad de vida de los actores del sector, así como de la población paraguaya en su conjunto.

Décret n° 80-160 du 28 mai 1980 portant organisation des services relevant du ministère de l’aménagement rural.

África Ocidental

Le présent décret fixe les règles d’organisation des services relevant du ministère de l’aménagement rural.Composé d’un cabinet, des directions de l’administration centrale et des services régionaux extérieurs, le Ministère de l’aménagement rural a pour attributions : la définition et la mise en œuvre des programmes d’aménagement et d'équipement rural, l'étude et l'amélioration du milieu, le contrôle sanitaire des animaux, le contrôle du conditionnement des produits agricoles, l'élaboration et l'application de la législation foncière et de la réglementation relative aux forêts, à la chasse,

Regional Law No. 58-Z “On natural resources and nature management”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates relations originating in the process of management of regional natural resources with a view of setting up favorable conditions for rational use, protection, conservation, reproduction and increase thereof, and environmental improvement. Objects of legal regulation by this Regional Law shall be land, air, subsoil, surface water and groundwater, forests, wild fauna and wild flora, natural landscapes and protected areas. Natural resources shall be public property.

Medium Term Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (METASIP), 2011-2015.

National Policies
África Ocidental

The present Medium Term Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (METASIP), 2011 is informed by the following vision: “a modernised agriculture culminating in a structurally transformed economy and evident in food security, employment opportunities and reduced poverty”.Chapter 2 provides a summary review of the performance of the agriculture sector, including trends in crop production and productivity, livestock and fish production, imports and exports of agricultural commodities, and nutrition levels.

Política Nacional de la Quinua.

National Policies
América do Sul

Este documento tiene por objeto la Política Nacional de la Quinua, un instrumento de cobertura nacional cuyo objetivo general consiste en promover, fomentar e implementar el desarrollo sostenible y sustentable del complejo productivo de la quinua, articulando a los actores productivos, para conformar entramados productivos integrados, articulados y diversificados, con la participación de los actores en procesos de producción, beneficiado, transformación e industrialización y comercialización, todo ello para alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria con soberanía nacional.