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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Costa Rica Obtiene Prestigioso Galardón Medioambiental Earthshot Prize

17 October 2021
San José. Por su exitoso modelo de conservación, Costa Rica fue galardonada con el Premio Earthshot en la categoría Proteger y Restaurar la Naturaleza, otorgado por la Royal Foundation para incentivar el cambio y ayudar a reparar el planeta durante los próximos diez años, una década crucial para la Tierra. El anuncio fue hecho este domingo 17 de octubre por el príncipe Guillermo de Inglaterra y Catalina, duquesa de Cambridge​​ y The Royal Foundation, en una actividad en simultáneo en los 15 países seleccionados como finalistas globales, tres por cada una de las cinco categorías definidas.

Pan-African Conference on Community Land Rights identifies urgent collective land rights reforms and women's rights as critical for securing social peace in Africa

15 October 2021

Delegates from 12 countries united in Lomé, Togo for the 3rd Conference by the African Land Institutions Network for Community Rights (ALIN); They highlighted successes and challenges from ongoing community land rights reforms in their countries, and charted a roadmap for the future; The conference, hosted by the Government of Togo, was initiated by the Rights and Resources Initiative ( and co-organized by International Land Coalition, Africa.


Will Guineans finally benefit from the country’s mineral wealth or will they continue to pay the price for its exploitation?

11 October 2021

Guinea’s September coup sent shock waves through West Africa and the global commodities markets. Guinea is the world’s second largest producer of bauxite, the ore needed to produce aluminum, and has rich iron ore, gold, and diamond reserves.

Séminaire de réingénierie des procédures d'approbation des lotissements et de délivrance et de délivrance [sic] de l'ACD: Focus sur le titrement massif des parcelles foncières urbaines

08 October 2021

Du 06 au 08 octobre 2021, s’est tenu au NSA HOTEL de Grand-Bassam, un atelier de réflexion sur « la réingénierie des procédures d’approbation des lotissements et de délivrance de l’Arrêté de concession Définitive (ACD) axées sur la réforme du titrement massif des parcelles foncières urbaines ».

Accès à la propriété foncière : 17 000 titres de propriété délivrés en 2020 contre une moyenne de 5 500 auparavant

06 October 2021

En 2020, 17 000 titres de propriétés (Arrêté de Concession Définitive : ACD), contre une moyenne de 5 500 auparavant, ont été délivrés, selon le ministre de la Construction, du Logement et de l'Urbanisme, Bruno Nabagné Koné.

FAO Rep: Women should have access to lands, fisheries & forest

05 October 2021

In most of the communities in the country and even elsewhere around the globe, lands are mostly owned by men. Thus women have little access and rights to ownership of lands where they could cultivate.

However, the FAO the country representative, Moshibudi Rampedi said “we need to take specific measures to make it easier for women and girls to have equal tenure rights and have access to lands, fisheries and forest.”

The FAO representative was speaking recently during a Women Land Rights Policy Forum.

Presidente Castillo launches new land reform in Peru

04 October 2021


His administration will establish the "Agrarian Civil Service," a program through which thousands of young university students will technically support the farmers.

On Sunday, Peru’s President Pedro Castillo launched the "second agrarian reform", which is a national policy for the development of agriculture through the incorporation of technology, the provision of technical advice, and the construction of productive infrastructure.

3ème conférence des conservateurs, une introspection pour améliorer les performances de la DGI

01 October 2021

La troisième conférence du service des  conservateurs de la Direction générale des impôts (DGI) s’est ouverte, jeudi 30 septembre 2021, à Yamoussoukro, avec l’ambition d’opérer une introspection en vue de bannir les pratiques inopérantes et améliorer les résultats notamment en matière de délivrance des ACD.

Les conservateurs entendent se donner les moyens de répondre efficacement au boom du marché foncier marqué par l’explosion des demandes d’actes.

Echoes from Madagascar: a step forward for local communities in the defence of human and environmental rights

30 September 2021

From 30 August to 3 September 2021, the Natural Justice team organised activities benefiting local community defenders of human and environmental rights in Madagascar. Fifteen representatives of local communities, paralegals and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from 8 regions of the island participated in two activities: a legal empowerment session, and an advocacy and communication campaigning session. These representatives were specifically chosen because of their active involvement in finding solutions for the cases affecting their human and environmental rights.