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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Namibia: Communal Land in Kavango Most Vulnerable to 'Landgrabbing'

12 November 2021

In 2014, the Kavango region was divided into two regions – East and West. At the time, the Namibian government, during president Hifikepunye Pohamba's tenure, justified the move saying the region was too large and dividing it would enhance service delivery. This remains to be seen: Kavango West remains the most rural and one of the poorest regions in Namibia.

Zambian Environment Minister signals crack down on occupation of forest reserves

12 November 2021

The government has urged all individuals and entities that have encroached on forest reserve land to vacate and not wait for eviction notices.

Green Economy and Environment Minister Collins Nzovu has said that everyone is required to abide by the law and follow laid down procedures that guide the protection of forest reserves.

Sri Lanka budget 2022: railway land for private development

12 November 2021

ECONOMYNEXT – Land owned by Sri Lanka railways will be offered for private developers for investment, Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa said presenting a budget speech.

“I propose to obtain investments through public-private partnerships and local and international sources to implement mixed development projects comprising of shopping malls, financial services, hotels, office facilities, cinema halls, entertainment centres [and] apartments,” he said in a budget for 2022.

He said some lands owned by Department of Railways are currently not being utilized productively.

Lancement De La Mise En Œuvre De La Politique Foncière Rurale Au Niger

11 November 2021

Le ministre de l’Équipement, M. Hamadou Adamou Souley a présidé le 9 novembre 2021 à Niamey, la cérémonie de lancement de la mise en œuvre de la Politique Foncière Rurale au Niger et de son plan d’actions 2021-2025. Plusieurs acteurs impliqués dans l’élaboration de cette Politique et la mise en œuvre du plan d’actions ont pris part à cette cérémonie, dont des membres du Gouvernement, le représentant des partenaires techniques et financiers, le secrétaire permanent du Code Rural, etc.

South Africa’s apartheid regime manipulated borders. Today, the effects linger

11 November 2021

The issue of land, especially its redistribution, remains contentious in South Africa 27 years after the formal end of apartheid. Land redistribution was promised at the end of apartheid. The failure of the African National Congress (ANC) government to do so is emblematic of its failure to fundamentally transform the country.

Alienation of State land for peasantry in Sri Lanka

11 November 2021

The Land Commission of 1957 was critical of the manner in which during the past two decades land had been alienated without sufficient regard to its physical character and suitability for the purpose for which it was enacted. The Land Commission of 1987 correctly emphasized that the issues which dominated the attention of successive Land Commissions depended largely on governmental perspectives.

Gold Mining in Burkina Faso Becomes Increasingly Dangerous

09 November 2021

BOUSSÉ — Terror attacks on gold mining operations in Burkina Faso are becoming a regular occurrence. For VOA, reporter Henry Wilkins looks at the impact the attacks are having on the lives of survivors and what it could mean if extracting gold, the country's primary source of income, becomes too dangerous.

“Boukare,” whose name has been changed to protect his identity, is a survivor of the Yirgou massacre.

The attack by an unknown terror group in June this year targeted a small informal gold mining site, like this one, and killed at least 160 people, mostly mine workers.