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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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South Africa: S25 constitutional amendment sinks – now all eyes on Expropriation Bill

07 December 2021

Almost four years’ of political manoeuvring to amend the Constitution to expressly provide compensationless expropriation ended with a whimper. But Tuesday’s debate brought out lowbrow political slander, with references to sell-outs, cowards, handlers and counter-revolutionaries across the floor of the House.

E-learning course on SDG Indicator 1.4.2

07 December 2021

This free e-learning course shows how to gather data for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 1.4.2, which monitors security of land tenure rights.

The course is aimed at officers of national statistics organizations, land registries among others, responsible for collecting and reporting official national data on land tenure security, as well as other stakeholders involved in monitoring of land governance and tenure security.

MPs reject land expropriation amendment in South Africa

07 December 2021

The National Assembly has failed to pass the Constitutional Amendment Bill to allow for expropriation of land without compensation.

On Tuesday, the ANC failed to convince parties and muster the two-thirds majority vote it needed to push the bill through.

Only 204 MPs voted in favour of the bill, while 145 voted against it.

During the debate, ad hoc committee chairperson Dr Mathole Motshekga said the amendment bill sought to address a crime against the African majority.

Toward a land policy in the Democratic Republic of Congo: National validation workshop, Kinshasa 15-17 November 2021

06 December 2021

A national validation workshop discussed the draft National Land Policy Document of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Kinshasa on 15–17 November 2021.

The workshop was part of a process that began in November 2018 at the Bukavu interprovincial forum to formulate a new national land policy. The Bukavu forum identified strategic options that were turned into a draft policy document in December 2018. This first draft was submitted to a series of consultations in all 26 provinces in the country with a wide range of stakeholders.

“Boosting local capacity to manage land conflicts and protect customary rights” – Introducing the LAND-at-scale project in Mali

06 December 2021

The Netherlands Agency for Enterprise and Development (RVO) is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Bamako, SNV, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the University of Legal and Political Sciences of Bamako and the National Coordination of Peasant Organizations for implementation of a LAND-at-scale project in Mali "Strengthening local capacities to manage land conflicts and protect customary rights". The intervention will run until 2023 and has a budget of €1.3 million.

‘Forests will disappear again,’ activists warn as Indonesia ends plantation freeze

06 December 2021
  • With the Indonesian government refusing to renew a three-year ban on issuing licenses for new oil palm plantations, experts are warning of a deforestation free-for-all.
  • The end of the moratorium means companies can once again apply to develop new plantations, including clearing forests to do.
  • This coincides with a rally in the crude palm oil price due to tightening supply, which activists say portends a possible surge in deforestation.
  • According to one analysis, rainforests spanning an area half the size of California, or 21 mil

Uganda issues first ever Certificates of Customary Ownership in urban areas

06 December 2021

On 2 December 2021 the mayor of Mbale City, Cassim Namugali, issued 511 Certificates of Customary Ownership in a colourful ceremony. The event took place at Wanale Division Hall in Mbale City. These are the first ever such certificates to be issued in an urban area in Uganda. Several hundred Mbale residents took part in the ceremony.

"Is the state waiting for us to be killed?": death threats to defenders of Kichwa community Santa Rosillo de Yanayacu

04 December 2021

The native Kichwa community santa Rosillo de Yanayacu, located in the Bajo Huallaga area( Huimbayoc district, San Martín region) has been threatened by groups of illegal loggers, who deforest the community's forest sowing threats and violence. For years, the community has been denouncing these permanent violations of its territory and against the lives of defenders. "Is the state waiting for us to be killed?!