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Soil Conservation Act.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Africa

This Act makes provision for the protection of soil from erosion. It also provides for the conservation, protection and improvement of the soil, the vegetation and the sources and resources of the water supplies of Namibia.

Uganda National Land Policy.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Uganda National Land Policy is a national policy of the Republic of Uganda whose main goal is to ensure an efficient, equitable and optimal utilization and management of Uganda’s land resources for poverty reduction, wealth creation and overall socio-economic development.To this end, the document provides for a set of goals, including in the area of environment.

Regulation No. 1374 dated 10.10.2008 laying down the rules and procedures for the removal, addition, and destination changes in the pastures fund.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Regulation No. 1374 of 2008 lays down the rules and procedures for the removal, addition, and destination changes in the pastures fund. The physical or legal persons or the local government units may submit at the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration the request for the removal of certain parts from the pastures fund.

Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Regulation No. 4/2011.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

This Regulation, made under the Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation, concerns equal land use rights on communal holdings of the pastoralist communities and separation of communal holdings for use of the pastoralist community. Any pastoralist shall be entitled to equal land use right on communal holding.

Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act.

LandLibrary Resource

This Act concerns the maintenance and control of stock reserves and stock routes and for the control of travelling stocks, it consists of 67 sections and is divided into eight parts. The Act provides for the appointment of the Chief Inspector of Stock Routes, the Superintendent of Stock Routes and the Registrar of Stock Routes and regulates their operation (Part 2).

Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Au Cameroun 2007.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Middle Africa

Confronté à la fois aux insuffisances du cadre institutionnel et réglementaire du secteur de l’eau; et aux contraintes liées à la gestion durable des sols; et à la maîtrise et à la gestion durable des eaux, le Cameroun a élaboré, en 2007, le Document de Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral.Cette stratégie constitue un cadre d’harmonisatio

Décret n° 2-87-288 du 16 kaada 1407 (13 juillet 1987) relatif à la création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Gaâda El Kbira (commune rurale des Ouled Abdoune, cercle de Khouribga - province de Khouribga).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Africa

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Gaâda El Kbira (commune rurale des Ouled Abdoune, cercle de Khouribga-province de Khouribga). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle.

Rural Lands Protection Act 1998, No. 143.

LandLibrary Resource

The Act is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary (1); Rural lands protection districts and regions (2); Functional responsibilities (3); Annual State Conference of boards (4); State Council (5); Rural lands protection boards (6); Rates (7); Travelling stock reserves and public roads (8); Stock watering places (9); Impounding of unattended and trespassing stock and abandoned articles (10

Loi n° 2015-537 du 20 juillet 2015 d'orientation agricole de Côte d'Ivoire.

LandLibrary Resource
Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

La présente loi vise à: préciser les actions pour la valorisation optimale du potentiel agro écologique et des savoir-faire agricoles du pays; créer un environnement propice au développement d'un secteur agricole structuré; créer les conditions de la modernisation de l'agriculture familiale et de l'entreprise agricole, pour favoriser l'émergence d'un secteur agro-industriel structuré, compétiti

Regulation No. 632 dated 11.6.2009 approving the usage tariffs for the pastures and lawns.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

The Regulation approves the tariffs of using pastures and lawns for gazing and other farming activities in accordance with the table attached to this decision. The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration is the responsible authority for its implementation.

Implements: Law No. 9693 on the Pasture Fund. (2007-03-19)