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IssuesleasesLandLibrary Resource
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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan on concession of lease the plots of land in the Issyk-Kul area of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

International Conventions or Treaties
Central Asia

The Parties have agreed that Kyrgyzstan shall concede to Kazakhstan land areas on the coastline of Issyk-Kul lake for the period of 49 years for recreational water uses. The Government of Kazakhstan shall pay lease in the form of land charges to the amount of land charges set forth for residents on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. The Government shall prevent environmental pollution, ensure greening of the territory and grant access to recreational water area to the local residents.

Decreto Nº 314 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 304, Reglamento del Decreto Ley Nº 300, sobre entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo.


El presente Decreto modifica el Reglamento sobre entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo, en relación a diversos requisitos que deben cumplir las personas jurídicas y naturales para ser usufructuarias, así como sobre el procedimiento para la legalización del usufructo, y el contenido del contrato de usufructo.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 304 - Reglamento del Decreto Ley Nº 300, sobre entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo. (2012-09-25)

Resolución Nº 551/13 - Tarifas mínimas mensuales por el servicio de arrendamiento de inmuebles que se presta por las entidades estatales y sociedades mercantiles autorizadas.


La presente Resolución aplica las tarifas mínimas mensuales por metro cuadrado de área rentada contractualmente, exceptuando las áreas exteriores, por el servicio de arrendamiento de inmuebles que se presta por las entidades estatales y sociedades mercantiles de capital totalmente cubano y otras entidades autorizadas, a personas jurídicas cubanas y extranjeras, a personas naturales cubanas residentes en Cuba y extranjeras.

Decreto Nº 304 - Reglamento del Decreto Ley Nº 300, sobre entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo.


El presente Reglamento regula: a) la conformación del Fondo de Tierras Ociosas que pueden ser entregadas en usufructo; b) los requisitos que deben cumplir las personas jurídicas y naturales para ser usufructuarias; c) el procedimiento para la legalización del usufructo, su incremento y la prórroga; d) el contenido básico del Contrato de Usufructo; e) las bienhechurías; f) el control sobre la entrega de tierra ociosa y el cumplimiento del contrato de usufructo; g) la vinculación e integración del usufructuario; y h) la extinción del Contrato de Usufructo.

Law “On daihan (peasant) farm”.

Central Asia

This Law establishes basic principles of organization of a daihan (peasant) farm and legal grounds for the functioning thereof. Daihan (peasant) farm shall be considered agricultural enterprise set up by one o several families with a scope of performing agricultural production. Daihan (peasant) farm shall be considered autonomous production unit. Daihan (peasant) farm shall be constituted in accordance with contract and its activity shall be regulated by Statute.

Arrêté Ministériel N°001/14 du 14-04-2014 portant modalités du sous-bail emphytéotique des terres destinées a l’exploitation agricole, élevage et forestière.

Eastern Africa

Le présent arrêté détermine les modalités du sous-bail emphytéotique des terres destinées à l’exploitation agricole, à l’élevage et à l’exploitation forestière.Ces modalités du sous-bail emphytéotique concernent notamment le contrat du sous-bail emphytéotique; l’ enregistrement du sous-bail emphytéotique; la durée du bail les terres; la rectification de la superficie du terrain donné en sous-bail emphytéotique; l’interdiction de sous-louer; le droit d’hypothéquer les travaux réalisés sur le terrain; les litiges créés par des tiers; la vente des terres sous-louées; les modalités d’indemnisat

Law No. 131 amending Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Central Asia

Article 7 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Agricultural land out of Public fund of agricultural land as a general rule shall be allotted on lease for the periof of five years except for land plots allotted for the period of 20 years for seed growing, pedigree stockbreeding, experimental farming, scientific research, experimental selection and plant variety testing and to agricultural cooperatives”.

Amends: Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. (2013-11-15)

Ministerial Decree No. 571 validating Model regulation on terms and conditions for allotment in ownership or on lease on plots of municipal land.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree establishes terms and conditions for allotment in ownership or on lease on plots of municipal land for payment through public tender or through direct sale. The period of ownership or lease can be conceded for at maximum 50 years and the exact period of ownership or lease shall be established by the authorized state institution.

Repeals: Ministerial Decree No. 57 validating Model Regulation on terms and conditions of concession of right of ownership or lease of urban land. (2008-08-16)

Ministerial Decree No. 49 validating the Regulation on state registration of rights and encumbrances to immovable property and transactions therewith.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree establishes the rules for state registration of rights and encumbrances to immovable property and transactions therewith. The following rights and encumbrances shall be subject to mandatory state registration: (a) ownership; (b) tenancy; (c) mortgage and encumbrances originating therefrom; (d) lease and sub-lease for the period of three years and over; (e) servitude; (f) use restrictions; (g) court decisions; (h) nature management activities listed by the Government; and (i) open-ended land tenure.

Regional Law No. 20 amending Regional Law No. 46 “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

Article 12 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Contract of lease of agricultural land pertaining to regional or municipal property shall be concluded for the period from three to nine years, except for cases established by the Federal legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 46 “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2006-05-05)