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Displaying 625 - 636 of 2102

Deep Wells and Prudence : Towards Pragmatic Action for Addressing Groundwater Overexploitation in India

March, 2012

India is the largest groundwater user in
the world, with an estimated usage of around 230 cubic
kilometers per year, more than a quarter of the global
total. With more than 60 percent of irrigated agriculture
and 85 percent of drinking water supplies dependent on it,
groundwater is a vital resource for rural areas in India.
Reliance of urban and industrial waste supplies on
groundwater is also becoming increasingly significant in

State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2010

May, 2013

The carbon market endured its most challenging year to date in 2009. The global economic crisis, which started in late 2008 and intensified early in 2009, negatively impacted both the demand and supply sides of the market. As industrial output plummeted the demand for carbon assets fell. Yet even as global GDP declined by 0.6 percent in 2009, and at a more perilous rate of 3.2 percent in industrialized economies, the carbon market demonstrated resilience.

Inheritance Law Reform and Women’s Access to Capital : Evidence from India’s Hindu Succession Act

March, 2012

This paper examines whether and to what
extent amendments in inheritance legislation impact
women's physical and human capital investments, using
disaggregated household level data from India. The authors
use inheritance patterns over three generations of
individuals to assess the impact of changes in the Hindu
Succession Act that grant daughters equal coparcenary birth
rights in joint family property that were denied to

Kosovo - Unlocking Growth Potential : Strategies, Policies, Actions -
A Country Economic Memorandum

March, 2012

Kosovo's economic growth in the
past decade has been solid, yet, with a gross domestic
product (GDP) per capita of 1,760, the country remains one
of the poorest in Europe. The end of the conflict, output
was growing at double-digit rates, driven by the
donor-funded reconstruction efforts. Since 2005, annual
growth has decelerated to below 5 percent. However, the
other countries in Southeast Europe have been growing

From Privilege to Competition : Unlocking Private-Led Growth in the Middle East and North Africa

May, 2013
Northern Africa
Western Asia

The report starts with an introductory chapter that sets the stage for the issues and provides a short historical background on the development of the private sector in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), drawing on anecdotes and stories heard from many entrepreneurs and public officials consulted throughout the region during the preparation of this report. The core of the analysis is then presented in three parts. Part one assesses the performance of private sector development in the region from a macroeconomic and microeconomic standpoint (chapter two).

Financing Indian Cities : Opportunities and Constraints in an Nth Best World

March, 2012

This paper examines international
experience with mobilizing funding for both capital and
recurrent costs for municipal infrastructure with a view to
identifying areas where India could improve its system of
financing infrastructure in cities. Based on international
data, the analysis shows that there is indeed a wide range
of models for funding municipal infrastructure across a
group even as relatively homogeneous as the European Union.

India Marine Fisheries : Issues, Opportunities and Transitions for Sustainable Development

March, 2012

This study represents a collaborative
initiative by the World Bank and the Department of Animal
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture,
Government of India, to review the marine fisheries
sub-sector, within a broader sector that also includes
aquaculture and inland fisheries. The policy note provides a
major step forward in understanding current issues and
future opportunities facing the marine fisheries sub-sector.

Mineral Rights Cadastre : Promoting Transparent Access to Mineral Resources

May, 2014

This document proposes a set of
generally applicable recommendations and good practices for
creating a Mineral Rights Cadastre (MRC), an administrative
body responsible for overseeing the process of granting and
managing mineral licenses throughout a country. The document
reviews lessons learned from World Bank-funded projects
aimed at reforming mineral rights management and assesses
the impacts and benefits of the implemented changes. The

Did Higher Inequality Impede Growth in Rural China?

March, 2012

This paper estimates the relationship
between initial village inequality and subsequent household
income growth for a large sample of households in rural
China. Using a rich longitudinal survey spanning the years
1987-2002, and controlling for an array of household and
village characteristics, the paper finds that households
located in higher inequality villages experienced
significantly lower income growth through the 1990s.

Gender and Asset Ownership : A Guide to Collecting Individual-Level Data

May, 2012

Ownership and control over assets such
as land and housing provide direct and indirect benefits to
individuals and households, including a secure place to
live, the means of a livelihood, protection during
emergencies, and collateral for credit that can be used for
investment or consumption. Unfortunately, few studies -
either at the micro or macro levels- examine the gender
dimensions of asset ownership. This paper sets out a

Brazil - Forests in the Balance : Challenges of Conservation with Development

September, 2014

This case study is one of six
evaluations of the implementation of the World Bank's
1991 Forest Strategy. This and the other cases (Cameroon,
China, Costa Rica, India, and Indonesia) complement a review
of the entire set of lending and nonlending activities of
the World Bank Group and the Global Environment Facility.
The World Bank has clearly diminished its lending presence
in the Amazon in the past decade. It has moved from the

Securing Property Rights and Increasing Real Estate Productivity in FYR Macedonia

August, 2012

Before 2005, FYR Macedonia did not have
a well-functioning property registration system and citizens
did not have secure property rights. Since the start of the
World Bank-funded Real Estate Cadastre and Registration
Project (RECRP) in Macedonia in 2005, registered property
transactions in the country have increased by 121 percent;
there were 93,240 registered transactions in 2009 compared
with 42,116 in 2005. Annual mortgages registered in the land