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Displaying 637 - 648 of 2102

Financing Indian Cities : Opportunities and Constraints in an Nth Best World

March, 2012

This paper examines international
experience with mobilizing funding for both capital and
recurrent costs for municipal infrastructure with a view to
identifying areas where India could improve its system of
financing infrastructure in cities. Based on international
data, the analysis shows that there is indeed a wide range
of models for funding municipal infrastructure across a
group even as relatively homogeneous as the European Union.

India Marine Fisheries : Issues, Opportunities and Transitions for Sustainable Development

March, 2012

This study represents a collaborative
initiative by the World Bank and the Department of Animal
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture,
Government of India, to review the marine fisheries
sub-sector, within a broader sector that also includes
aquaculture and inland fisheries. The policy note provides a
major step forward in understanding current issues and
future opportunities facing the marine fisheries sub-sector.

Mineral Rights Cadastre : Promoting Transparent Access to Mineral Resources

May, 2014

This document proposes a set of
generally applicable recommendations and good practices for
creating a Mineral Rights Cadastre (MRC), an administrative
body responsible for overseeing the process of granting and
managing mineral licenses throughout a country. The document
reviews lessons learned from World Bank-funded projects
aimed at reforming mineral rights management and assesses
the impacts and benefits of the implemented changes. The

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Climate Change : The Economic Problem

May, 2014

Climate change is both a cause and an
effect of biodiversity change. Along with anthropogenic
dispersion, climate change is the main driver of change in
the geographical distribution of both beneficial and harmful
species, crops, livestock, harvested wild species, pests,
predators and pathogens. And the capacity of ecosystems to
adapt to climate change depends on the diversity of species
they currently support. This paper considers the connection

Solomon Islands Growth Prospects : Constraints and Policy Priorities - Discussion Note

March, 2012

Economic growth in Solomon Islands since
the end of civil conflict in 2003 has been driven by rapid
expansion of the forestry sector and large increases in
international aid flows. Stocks of natural forest logs are
nearing exhaustion and, as the security situation improves,
aid flows are likely to flatten off. The Solomon Islands
Government asked the World Bank to investigate future growth
prospects. This note summarizes the findings and presents a

The Urban Transition in Tanzania

June, 2014

This report presents the problem,
describes the analytical framework, the African and World
context and the characteristics that need to be present for
a responsible and effective urbanization. Chapter one
discusses the issues involved in measuring urban growth and
density and the problem of under-measuring density. Chapter
two introduces key aspects of the recent urbanization in
Tanzania, including migration, structure of economy and

Cambodia 1998-2008 : An Episode of Rapid Growth

March, 2012

Cambodia's growth over 1998-2008
has been remarkable (almost 10 percent per annum for a
decade). This paper applies a "growth diagnostic"
approach to understand how this happened and how it can be
sustained. Past growth has been driven by the coincidence of
a set of historical and geographic factors (including
opportunistic policy responses), together with the use of
natural assets (although in a non sustainable way) and the

Leadership and Growth : Commission on Growth and Development

March, 2012

In May 2008, the commission on growth
and development (the growth commission) issued its report
entitled 'the growth report'. In it the commission
attempted to distill what had been learned in the past two
decades, from experience and academic and policy research,
about strategies and policies that produced sustained high
growth in developing countries. It became clear in the
course of the work that politics, leadership, and political

Developing an African Offshoring Industry—The Case of Nigeria

August, 2012

The purpose of this note is to raise
awareness of Nigeria's potential as an African
offshoring hub, and it is aimed primarily toward policy
makers, potential private sector investors, and development
partners. This note addresses the following questions: what
can Nigeria do to take advantage of the benefits of global
trade in services; how can the country brand itself as an
offshoring destination for international investors; and what

Republic of Tajikistan - Country Economic Memorandum :
Tajikistan’s Quest for Growth: Stimulating Private Investment

March, 2012

The Tajik government in its Poverty
Reduction Strategy Paper for 2010-12 set an ambitious target
of doubling Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in a decade.
Tajikistan clearly has the potential to grow at more than
seven percent a year as it has done in the recent past, but
it is not going to be easy. The potential for
'catch-up' growth from the depths of the recession
of the 1990s is largely exhausted, the external environment

Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

February, 2013

Policy makers and development
practitioners who are responsible for developing investment
strategies to promote economic growth find many challenges
in the changing face of agriculture in the twenty-first
century. In addition to its productive role of providing
food, clothing, fuel, and housing for a growing world
population, agriculture assumes other roles, the importance
of which has more recently been recognized. In addition to