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Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Bosnia and Herzegovina

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In a series
of annual reports, Doing Business assesses regulations
affecting domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the
economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as
starting a business, resolving insolvency and trading across
borders. This year's report data cover regulations
measured from June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Rwanda

July, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Rwanda. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Pakistan - Gilgit-Baltistan Economic Report : Broadening the Transformation

March, 2012

Parts of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), the
northeastern most administrative region of Pakistan, have
been undergoing a dramatic transformation over the last
three decades. Given the challenging environment, GB's
development outcomes are impressive, built on the
time-tempered resilience of the people of GB and facilitated
by high levels of social capital. GB has also benefitted
from the attentions of the national Government of Pakistan

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Morocco

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Morocco. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Burkina Faso

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Burkina Faso. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Samoa

July, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Samoa. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Trade in a ‘Green Growth’ Development Strategy : Global Scale Issues and Challenges

January, 2013

This paper surveys the state of
knowledge about the trade-related environmental consequences
of a country's development strategy along three
channels: (i) direct trade-environment linkages
(overexploitation of natural resources and trade-related
transport costs); (ii) 'virtual trade' in
emissions resulting from production activities; and (iii)
the product mix attributes of a 'green-growth'

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Nigeria

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Nigeria. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Hong Kong SAR, China

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Hong Kong. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Doing Business 2014 Regional Profile : Europe and Central Asia

July, 2014

This regional profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for economies in Europe and Central Asia
(ECA). It also shows the regional average, the best
performance globally for each indicator and data for the
following comparator regions: European Union, Latin America,
East Asia and the Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, and
OECD High Income. The data in this report are current as of
June 1, 2013, except for the paying taxes indicators, which

Croatia - Policy Notes : A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

February, 2013

Signing the accession treaty with the
European Union (EU) and its forthcoming membership to the EU
are remarkable opportunities for Croatia to address a number
of economic challenges and join the EU as a competitive and
successful economy. The new Croatian government in its
program for 2011-2015 seeks higher standards of living for
its citizens through sustained economic growth and greater
social cohesion. Given the legacies from the past, these

Is It What You Inherited or What You Learnt? Intergenerational Linkage and Interpersonal Inequality in Senegal

March, 2012

Institutional features of the African
setting -- large extended families and imperfect credit and
land markets -- matter to the equity and efficiency roles
played by intergenerational linkages. Using original survey
data on Senegal that include an individualized measure of
consumption, this paper studies the role played by land
inheritance, other bequests and parental background as
influences on an adult's economic welfare and economic