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Resolución Nº 172-2016-VIVIENDA ─ Reglamento Nacional de Tasaciones.

July, 2016

La presente Resolución aprueba el Reglamento Nacional de Tasaciones, que tiene por objeto establecer criterios, métodos y procedimientos técnicos normativos para la tasación de bienes inmuebles, muebles e intangibles. El Reglamento es de alcance nacional y su aplicación es obligatoria para la elaboración de tasaciones comerciales y reglamentarias que soliciten las Entidades y Empresas Estatales de derecho público o de derecho privado.

Implementa: Ley Nº 30156 - Ley de organización y funciones del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS). (2014-01-18)

National Policy Agenda 2017 - 2022.

National Policies
November, 2016

The National Policy Agenda is a cross-cutting nation-wide document aiming at providing all Palestinians with an improved standard of living, better services accessible to all and responsive, accountable, transparent public institutions that put citizens’ interests and needs first improving their quality of life by providing high-quality public services, fostering job creation in the private sector and protecting the vulnerable.The Agenda is built upon the National Vision and three pillars each including a series of national priorities as follows (i) path to independence (including ending th

Order No. 326 of the Deputy Prime Minister amending Order No. 4-4/61 of the Ministry of Agriculture validating the Regulation on registration and production testing of pesticides (toxic chemicals) and state registration thereof.

July, 2016

Item 47 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Grounds for substantiated refusal of state registration of pesticides (toxic chemicals) shall be as follows: (a) negative response of the authorized body in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and (or) environmental protection; (b) erroneous or unreliable data submitted by the applicant; (c) discrepancy between chemical composition of pesticides (toxic chemicals) submitted for testing and those submitted for registration; (d) violation of intellectual property rights and patents; and (e) legally effe

Decreto Nº 1.283 - Reglamento General de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

December, 2016

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento General para la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, que tiene por objeto regular la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, de conformidad con los principios, finalidades, lineamientos de la política agraria de tierras y los derechos vinculados a la propiedad de la tierra rural y territorios ancestrales.Sobre las condiciones para determinar el cambio de la clasificación del uso del suelo rural, dispone que la Autoridad Agraria Nacional, a solicitud del Gobierno Autónomo Desc

Escheat Ordinance (Cap. 20).

December, 1885
Sierra Leone

This Act makes provision with respect to the procedure of escheat of property, i.e. the appropriation of any casual revenues arising within the Colonies or Foreign Possessions of the Crown (other than Droits of the Crown and Droits of the Admiralty) for or towards any public purposes within the Colonies or Possessions in which the same respectively may have arisen, including the revenue to arise from the estates and effects of persons who have died intestate and without heirs or next of kin.

Décret n° 76-098 du 18 juin 1976 portant modalité d'application de l'ordonnance n°10 du 5 mars 1976 relative à l'exercice et à l'organisation de la profession de géomètre au Togo.

June, 1978

Le présent décret fixe les modalité d'application de l’ordonnance n° 10 du 5 mars 1976 relative à l'exercice et à l’organisation de la profession de géomètre. A cet effet, ce texte rappelle la liste des travaux énumères à l’article premier de l’ordonnance susmentionnée. Par ailleurs, elle définit l’agrément, la procédure d’agrément et les infractions et sanctions, en application de l’article 5 de l’ordonnance n°10 du 5 mars 1976.

Met en oeuvre: Ordonnance n° 10 du 5 mars 1976 relative à l'exercice et à l’organisation de la profession de géomètre. (1976-03-05)

Decree-Law No. 39/2017 amending Decree-Law No. 37/2014 on the special legal regime for the implementation of land cadastre in Sal, Boa Vista, Sao Vicente and Maio islands.

September, 2017
Cape Verde

This Decree-Law establishes the third amendment to Decree-Law No. 37/2014 of 23 July, amended by Decree-Law No. 44/2016 of 6 September, and by Decree-Law No. 52/2015 of 24 September. Amendments deal with the following specific requirements: Exemption from the payment of registration fees; Owners with two or more buildings; Safeguarding of produced effects;

Amends: Decree-Law No. 37/2014 establishing the special legal regime for the implementation of land cadastre in Sal, Boa Vista, Sao Vicente and Maio islands. (2014-07-22)

Biological Waste Ordinance.

September, 1998

The present Ordinance contains provisions relating to the use of biological waste on agricultural and forestry soil. The text consists of 14 articles as follows: Sphere of application (art. 1); Definition of terms (art. 2); Requirements for waste treatment (art. 3); Requirements relating to harmful substances (art. 4); Requirements for mixed substances (art. 5); Limitations and prohibitions (art. 6); Additional requirements for use of biological waste on green surfaces (art. 7); Biological waste and sludge (art. 8); Monitoring of soil (art.

Cabinet Regulation No. 1250 of 2009 on State Fee for Registering Ownership rights and Pledge Rights in the Land Register

October, 2009

The Regulation prescribes the state fee amount and payment procedures for registering ownership rights and pledge rights in the Land Register, and the state fee exemptions. The state fee for registering ownership rights and pledge rights in the Land Register is paid prior to the registration of such rights in the Land Register, and this payment is transferred to State basic budget.

Implements: Land Register Law. (2004-04-22)

Punjab Land Records Authority Ordinance 2016 (No. XVIII).

November, 2016

This Ordinance, consisting of 32 sections, divided into seven Chapters, creates the Punjab Land Records Authority. It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned Authority, as body corporate. This Authority is entitled to have perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to enter into agreements, acquire and hold property, both movable and immovable, and may, by the said name, sue and be sued. The Ordinance is divided as follows: Preliminary (Chap. I); Punjab Land Records Authority (Chap. II); Administration of Authority (Chap.