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The financing of city services in Southern Africa

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2012
South Africa

This case study draws on research that investigated the financial sustainability of cities in the Southern African region. The research was undertaken by the South African Cities Network (SACN). The project was jointly sponsored by the Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility and the World Bank. The contribution by SACN of the material for this document is gratefully acknowledged. The learning material presents an outline of the many challenges of financial sustainability and effective service delivery facing Southern African cities.

Amélioration des politiques et programmes de commercialisation et de crédit agricole : distribution des facteurs de production, épargne rurale et services de crédit en faveur des petits exploitants

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 1989

Le présent rapport a pour objectif d'examiner les résultats obtenus, de recenser les expériences novatrices et de fournir un cadre de discussion pour l'avenir. Cette politique s'expliquait par les choix politiques des dirigeants nationaux, le désir des gouvernements de pays nouvellement indépendants d'innover et d'agir rapidement, la nécessite d'apaiser les groupes de pression intérieurs, et, quelquefois, le manque de données fiables sur l'efficacité de ces systèmes au niveau de l'exploitation agricole.

Review of the food and agricultural situation in Africa

Reports & Research
September, 1960

The rate of increase of agricultural production, and especially food production, in Africa appears to have slowed down in the last few years. For 1959/60, the latest season for which data are available, provisional estimates indicate that there was a slight fall in production from the level of the previous year. On a per caput basis, food production appears to have fallen below the prewar level for the last three years.

WTO African group : joint proposal on the negotiations on agriculture

Reports & Research
June, 2001

The importance of agriculture in the economies of African countries cannot be overstated. Notwithstanding geographic and climatic diversity and other country specificities, the agricultural sector in African countries is the main source of rural livelihoods and, in general, employs more than two-thirds of the labour force. Agriculture generates more than a third of GDP in most African countries, and accounts for up to 40 per cent of exports. Most African countries have undertaken autonomous liberalization in agriculture.

Report on an advisory mission to swaziland on the impact of saps on agriculuture and trade in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
March, 1996

This paper focuses on report on an advisory mission to Swaziland on the impact of SAPs on agriculture and trade in Southern Africa. The main purpose of each of the country studies is to provide a general picture of the impact of SAPs on agriculture and trade in the country concerned.

Tanganyika commodity marketing and price stabilization

Conference Papers & Reports
July, 1962

The major agricultural products of Tanganyika are subject to a degree of control under the various commodity boards established for that purpose. The degree of control varies from direct participation in marketing in the case of cotton lint and' seed, to the control of production and intermediary arrangements for marketing in the case of pyrethrum and purely advisory capacity in the case of sisal. The general trend of Government policy is towards more direct participation.

Problèmes de la stabilisation des cours des produits Africoles: (communication du gouvernement de la Côte-d'Ivoire)

Conference Papers & Reports
July, 1962

Pays d'Afrique tropicale, la Côte d’Ivoire est à vocation essentiellement agricole, et malgré l'essor de sa jeune industrie, son économie externe est encore basée sur l’exportation des grands produits tropicaux: café - cacao - banane - bois - palmistes qui représentent en valeur 94% de son commerce.

Improvement of marketing policies and programmes with emphasis on agricultural inputs, rural savings and credit facilities for small farmers and livestock producers, particularly women

Reports & Research
February, 1989

The purpose of this paper is to examine the progress that has been achieved, identify innovatory experience and provide a frame for discussion on where to go next. Particular attention will be given to the benefits accruing to small farmers and livestock producers, particularly women. It will deal with policies and programmes in input supply and the provision of credit subject to the continuing constraints on the use of foreign exchange and government finance still prevailing m most African countries.

Land markets, Property rights, and Deforestation: Insights from Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2017

We examine the emergence of land markets and their effects on forest land appropriation by farm households in Jambi Province, Sumatra, using micro-level data covering land use and land transactions for a period of more than 20 years (1992–2015). Based on a theoretical model of land acquisition by a heterogeneous farming population, different hypotheses are developed and empirically tested. Farm households involved in forest land appropriation differ from those involved in land market purchases in terms of migration status and other socioeconomic characteristics.