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Enhancing Public Sector Performance

Reports & Research
October, 2017

This report is part of the series focusing on documenting the lessons from Malaysia for other developing countries in improving their public-sector management. These lessons include those at the center of government, such as the delivery unit method applied to the implementation of the national priorities, or implementing the elements of performance-based budgeting, as well as deeper analysis of specific approaches in various sectors. Strategies for improving public sector performance will differ in education, health, public transport, or land administration.

BTI 2020 Country Report Malaysia

Reports & Research
April, 2020

Malaysia’s democratic transformation took a historical turn between 2017 and 2019. The opposition coalition, the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope, PH) won the May 9, 2018, general elections, setting the stage for Mahathir Mohamad, the chairman of the coalition, to become the 7th prime minister of Malaysia (he had previously served as the 4th prime minister). This was the first victory by an opposition coalition after 61 years of rule by the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition led by the United Malays National Organization (UMNO).

Land Use Pattern of Private Housing Development Since the Introduction of Brunei's Compact Strategy

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2017
Brunei Darussalam

This study looks into the implementation of Brunei’s Master Plan proposal for compact strategy of developments within the designated Urban Footprint zone. Although the Master Plan lacks regulatory support, this study found that private housing developments have been mainly concentrated within the Urban Footprint zone and a more compact urban form through infill and higher density developments is being realized. This may be due to government administrative processes, housing trend and market demand.

Creating land markets for rural revitalization: Land transfer, property rights and gentrification in China

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2020

The reform of collective land ownership in post-socialist contexts offers a useful window into how changes in property rights shape and structure the dynamics of territorial transformation. Focusing on China's rural revitalization campaign, this paper demonstrates how the state, as creator and regulator of land rights and property titles, facilitates landscape change by relaxing regulations over the lease of rural land and creating market institutions that favour land transfers to organized capital, in this case tourism companies and property developers.

Contabilitatea transmiterii terenurilor agricole in arendă

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Currently, most Republic of Moldova agribusinesses operate in areas leased from the owners land. The operations on land lease from farms is met less frequently as it causes a range of problems - from issurance of documents and determination of the lease payment to the accounting for expenditure and income. Fair and prompt settlement of these issues is imperative of time and can contribute greatly to extend lease operations and make more efficient the use of land.

Piaţa de vânzare-cumpărare ca mijloc de consolidare a terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

The article is focused on the investigation of the land consolidation through purchase and sale land market development in Moldova. First, it describes land market development and its impact on land re- parceling. Second, it analyzes legal restrictions of buying land for foreign investors and its negative impact on land consolidation and agricultural development. Third, it shows the impediment of high transaction costs on the alleviation of high level of land fragmentation and proposes several solutions for its elimination.

Particularitățile metodologice ale reglementării relaţiilor funciare agrare în Republica Moldova

Reports & Research
November, 2020

Relațiile funciare, începând cu etapa inițială a dezvoltării statului, reprezintă un product al societății. În istoria statalității Republicii Moldova se vor găsi mai multe etape inițiale. Este important a sublinia că, indiferent de acest fapt, relațiile funciare au fost printre primele și cele mai importante în dezvoltarea societății. Prin aceasta, se constată și conținutul social al relațiilor funciare. Perioada vizată în prezentul studiu, include etapa stabilirii statalității Republicii Moldova, anii 1991-2018 – perioadă în care are loc formarea unor relații funciare evidente.

Land – price determinants using the spatial econometrics modeling in the Moldavian real estate

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors which influence the land market in Republic of Moldova. The paper aims to discover the determinants for land pricing using the spatial econometrics modeling, as it is widely used when the spatial component is present. The country’s agricultural economy combined with the interest of international organizations and limited data availability directed the focus of this empirical study towards land for agricultural purposes.

Land – price determinants in moldavian real estate market.

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

În acest articol este evaluat mecanismul de piaţă a operaţiilor de vânzare – cumpărare a terenurilor agricole în Republica Moldova. Analiza pieţei funciare în ţările CentralEuropene atestă proceduri macroeconomice specifice de formare a preţurilor terenurilor agricole.
Aceste proceduri presupun utilizarea matricelor standartizate de adiacenţă (SAM) ca o componentă
de bază a metodei econometriei spaţiale. Componenta spaţială SAM în analiza regresională
defineşte gradul de vecinătate a parcelelor incluse în relaţia funcţională între variabilele endogene

Problemele funcţionării pieţii funciare in Republica Moldova: perspective şi tendinţe

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Actually the land market of the Republic of Moldova represent a characteristic
development of whole national economy. Practically the evolution of land market is not
difference at the privatization period in the agrarian sector. It was manifested through limited land fund, small attractive land market for foreign investors, low prices of agriculture lands in comparison with the lots of other destination, the reduced area of agriculture enterprises, low
competitiveness of agriculture enterprises, a lot of erosion soils in the structure of land fund.

Arenda funciară ca mecanism efectiv de reparcelare a terenurilor agricole în Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

The article isfocused on the investigation ofland re-parceling through land leasemarket development in Moldova. First, it describes land lease market development in Moldova and its impact on land re-parceling. Second, it analyzes strategies adopted by the agricultural farms regarding the participation in land lease and reasons why people lease land. And finally, it examines the problems of lease term and lease payment.