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Issuesland marketsLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 529 - 540 of 589

Exploring the relation between transparency of land administration and land markets: Case study of Turkey

Conference Papers & Reports
May, 2020

Land is a scarce resource, and has a big share in the economic and social life of both developing and developed countries. Efficiently operating land markets are vital in the development of countries. Information unavailability is one of the most crucial differences between land and other markets, which can lead to asymmetrical information among various parties. Land administration systems contain a vast amount of data regarding attributes of land and land markets, and the transparency of these systems control the efficiency of the land markets’ operation.

The feasibility of implementing an ecological network in The Netherlands under conditions of global change

Journal Articles & Books
April, 2015

Context: Both global change and policy reform will affect the implementation of the National Ecological Network (NEN) in the Netherlands. Global change refers to a combination of changing groundwater tables arising from climate change and improved economic prospects for farming. Policy reform refers to the abolition of an intermediary organization that organizes land trades with the support of a national land bank. Objective: In this paper we evaluate the effects of these factors on future land acquisition for the NEN.

Legitimacy dilemmas in direct government intervention : The case of public land development, an example from the Netherlands

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2019

The current paper examines the legitimacy dilemmas that rise from local governments' direct policy instruments and market interventions. It takes the case of public land management strategies. The paper argues that current societal challenges-such as energy transition, climate change and inclusive urban innovation-require planning practices to be more effective. Direct government instruments such as direct market interventions have proven to significantly reduce the implementation gap of planning practice.

Changing Climate, Changing Behavior: Adaptive Economic Behavior and Housing Markets Responses to Flood Risks

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2014

Spatial econometrics and analytical spatial economic modeling advanced significantly in the recent years. Yet, methodologically they are designed to tackle marginal changes in the underlying dynamics of spatial urban systems. In the world with climate change, however, abrupt sudden non-marginal changes in economic system are expected. This is especially relevant for urban development in coastal and delta areas where the probabilities of natural hazards such as catastrophic floods and hurricanes increase dramatically with climate change.

A numerical method to account for distance in a farmer's willingness to pay for land

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

Land transactions between farmers are responsible for landscape changes in rural areas. The price a farmer is willing to pay (WTP) for vacant land depends on the distance of the parcel to the farmstead. Detailed quantitative knowledge of this WTP– distance relationship is of utmost importance for accurate modelling of land markets, and for the design and implementation of effective and robust land consolidation schemes. Practical experience suggests, however that it is not particularly easy to back out the WTP–distance relationship from empirical transaction data.

Roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in the context of population growth and land use intensification in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Land markets are evolving in response to increasing population pressure in Africa.
High population pressure leads to land use intensification on very small farms.
Population growth in densely populated rural areas leads to increasing rural–urban youth migration.
Tenure security enhancing land reforms enhance investments and sustainable land use intensification.
Pro-poor development strategies should target the strengthening of land governance.

Land rental markets in Brazil: A missed opportunity

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Brazil’s decisions around land use are some of the most important in the world. With a growing agricultural sector and abundant natural resources valuable for their biodiversity, fresh water, and carbon stock, Brazil’s challenge is to use available land as efficiently as possible to promote economic growth, while simultaneously protecting important conservation areas. Land markets are a vital part of the efficient land use picture.

Study on the functioning of Land Markets in the EU Member States under the Influence of measures applied under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Journal Articles & Books

Economic theory, as well as empirical findings, suggest that the way in which agricultural support is provided has an influence on land markets, because payments capitalise to some degree into land values, affecting both the sale and rental price of land. This would also have effects on the transfer efficiency of support, on structural change, etc. However, the type of agricultural support is not the only factor influencing land markets.

Possible Effects on EU Land Markets of New CAP Direct Payments

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the possible effects of the CAP reform
proposals, i.e. the proposed new CAP payments, on EU land.
There are important differences among land markets in EU Member States with respect to
 The nature of the land market (exchanges), in particular the role of rental versus
sales markets;
 Level of agricultural land prices;
 Evolution of agricultural land sales and rental prices;
 Land market regulations and institutions.

Checkerboards and Coase: Transactions Costs and Efficiency in Land Markets

Reports & Research
November, 2014

The Coase theorem emphasizes the role transactions costs play in efficient market outcomes. We document inefficient outcomes, in the presence of a transactions cost, in southern California land markets and the corresponding transition to efficient outcomes after the transactions cost is eliminated. In the late 1800s, Palm Springs, CA was evenly divided, in a checkerboard fashion, and property rights assigned in alternating blocks to the Agua Caliente tribe and a non-Indian landowner by the US Federal government.


Reports & Research
November, 2008
United States of America

The article makes an attempt to answer the question: how direct payments affected the land market in Poland? The first part of the article explains the theoretical aspects of direct payments as an instrument of agricultural policy and their prospective effectiveness. Also the special character of the solutions adopted by Poland in relation with the use of this instrument was shown. The second part presents the main problems of the land market in Poland, taking into account both the supply and the demand factors of this market.

Option values on periurban land markets

Reports & Research
February, 2015
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
United Kingdom
United States of America

We study the developable land market in French periurban and rural areas under urban influence. Theoretical aspects and empirical results are derived from urban economics to analyse the main determinants of the price of developable land: distance from the urban centres, population, inhabitantsí income, etc. We focus especially on option values that come from irreversibility of development of farmland into residential plots, with uncertainly and inflow of information from the market.