Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 (No. 30 of 1980).
These Regulations, made under section 4 (1) of the Land Husbandry Act by the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, provides for the protection of agricultural land.
These Regulations, made under section 4 (1) of the Land Husbandry Act by the Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, provides for the protection of agricultural land.
These Regulations provide for certain classes or descriptions of licensable marine activity to be subject to a requirement for pre-application consultation to be undertaken in terms of sections 22 to 24 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. The Scottish Ministers are responsible for marine licensing in inshore waters under the 2010 Act and in offshore waters under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Licensable marine activities include land reclamation works.
Implements: Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 (2010 asp 5). (2010-03-10)
La presente Ley establece el marco normativo relativo a: a) la conservación y control de la capacidad productiva de los suelos; b) la prevención de todo proceso de degradación de los suelos; c) la recuperación de los suelos degradados; y d) la promoción de la educación conservacionista del suelo. Estas disposiciones se aplican a todos los suelos rurales del territorio provincial, de propiedad pública o privada. En cuanto al marco constitucional, se prevé la conformación del Consejo de Protección de los Suelos (art. 4º).
La presente Resolución aprueba el Plan Nacional de Demarcación y Organización Territorial 2013 – 2016 para todos los organismos competentes del Sistema Nacional de Demarcación Territorial, que es el resultado de la participación concertada con los gobiernos regionales, como principales actores de los procesos de saneamiento de los límites de las circunscripciones político-administrativas y de la organización racional del territorio.
Implementa: Decreto Supremo Nº 019-2003-PCM ─ Reglamento de la Ley de demarcación y organización territorial. (2003-02-21)
El presente Decreto tiene por objeto la reglamentación de los artículos 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º y 12 de la Ley de conservación y protección de los suelos. En particular, el Decreto establece la definición de suelo rural a efectos de la aplicación de la Ley, indica las funciones de las autoridades de aplicación y fija principios en tema de sanciones por incumplimiento de la Ley.
Implementa: Ley Nº 8.936 - Ley de conservación y protección de los suelos. (2001-06-14)
The scope of Land Code shall be to regulate land relations originating from application of different types of land ownership rights, including duties of landowners, tenants, leaseholders, protection of land rights, application of rational land tenure, restoration and improvement of soil fertility, land re-cultivation and improvement of natural environment. Land property shall envisage public, municipal and private ownership, that have equal status and are equally protected by the Law (Art. 4).
This Act provides with respect to local government and local authority (i.e. a municipal, county, town or urban council) in Kenya. The Minister shall have the power to establish municipalities, counties or townships. Local authorities may enter into agreement between them for purposes of joint management and control.
This Act makes provision for the management, development and protection of the forest resources of The Bahamas and for related matters.The Act consist of 36 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Forest Reserves, Protected Forests and Conservation Forests (III); Protected Trees (IV); Leases, Licences and Permits (V); Forestry on Private Land (VI); Power of Officers (VII); Offences (VIII); Regulations (IX).The Act provides for the establisment of an agency in Government to be called the Forestry Unit.
This Ministerial Decree establishes that transfer of forestland to land of other categories for purposes not related to forestry shall be authorized exclusively in the presence of positive conclusions of state environmental audit. Authorization for transfer shall be issued in the following cases: (a) impossibility of land tenure in accordance with previously established purposeful use of land; (b) modification of the boundaries of inhabited (urban) areas; and (c) classification of land as protected area.
This Order, made by the Minister under section 12(4) of the Beach Control Act, defines prohibited areas for purposes of control of removal of sand and other materials from a beach or seashore.
Implements: Beach Control Act (Cap. 42:04). (1992)
This Act makes provision with respect to conservation of the forest, soil, water and other natural resources of Grenada. The Minister shall establish and maintain a Forestry Department within his or her Ministry, appoint forestry officers and generally promote the interests of forestry. The Forestry Department shall, for the purpose of implementing forest policy, plant, manage and use land vested in it or put at its disposal by the Minister.
These Rules, made under the Forest, Soil and Water Conservation Act, provide with respect to management and protection of Crown lands, and in particular of forest resources on such land.