功能性土壤在提供清洁水及抵御 洪水和干旱的能力上发挥了关 键作用。渗入土壤的水可存留 污染物, 防止其浸入地下水。 此外,土壤捕获和储存水,使水能够被作物 吸收,从而最大限度减少水面蒸发,最大限 度地提高水的利用率和生产率。有机质含量 高的健康土壤有能力存储大量的水,这不仅 在旱季有益,而且在强降雨季时也是如此。 旱季时,土壤水分对植物生长至关重要;强降 雨季时,通过减缓水流入溪的速度,土壤减少 了洪水和径流。
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-II/14/ Report
Session: Sess.2
The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was formally established by members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during its Council in December 2012. The Council recognized soil as an essential natural resource, which is often overlooked and has not received adequate attention in recent years, despite the fact that production of food, fiber, fodder, and fuel critically depends on healthy soils.
Material informativo por el Año Internacional de los Suelos (AIS 2015).
Material informativo por el Año Internacional de los Suelos (AIS 2015).
To raise awarenesss among focus countries, partners and other target audience about the regional initiative and its relevance to the Organization's strategic objectives.
Meeting Name: Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA: I/2013/2
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA: II/2014/7
Session: Sess.2