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IssuesdevelopmentLandLibrary Resource
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Guidance for national and local governments

Peer-reviewed publication
Reports & Research
March, 2024

Countries face severe local and global climate risks with grave social, economic, and environmental costs. Given a significant portion of global emissions are a result of agriculture, forestry, and other land-based investments, governments can mitigate climate risks by ensuring these investments contribute to, rather than undermine, national and global climate goals.

The Land Rights, Climate Justice And Gender Equality Conundrum: Human Rights Strategies And Practice

December, 2020
United States of America

Climate change-related threats and land insecurities are increasingly impacting upon disadvantaged communities, especially women. In the context of evolving land policy discourse and priorities, intertwined land tenure, climate change, and gender equality require reference to global normative human rights and development frameworks. Human Rights treaties, the Paris Agreement, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda, among others have strategic policy implications.

Curbing Land Corruption An African Prerequisite For Free Trade: Focus On Madagascar’S Case

December, 2023

The existence, survival and continuity of a number of income-generating activities (farming, mining, etc.) depend on land, making it an important lever for a country's development. However, if land is not properly managed and governed, this can leave the door wide open to various forms of embezzlement, including corruption. Corruption is well known to have a deleterious effect on its victims, and when it affects land tenure and access to land, it can affect more than just a country's economy.

Endangered Culture The Changing Landscape Of Matrilineal Land Ownership In Rural Communities In Kasanga Settlement In Morogoro, Tanzania

December, 2021

ABSTRACT African culture and tradition on matrilineal land ownership are on the verge of disappearing. Land ownership in rural communities remains an important cultural dimension to secure livelihoods, economic growth, and sustainable development. Gender relations continue to interfere culture and tradition of matrilineal communities. Migration has changed the community and influenced the land ownership transformation from women to men.

The Political Economy Of Land Reform In Post Conflict Rwanda (1994-2020)

December, 2021

Insecurity over land ownership in Rwanda was a critical part of the tension between communities. Addressing insecurity around land has consequently been one of the foremost priorities of the post-conflict reforms initiated in Rwanda following the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Rwanda set out to address the issue of land ownership and land-related challenges through passage of several laws and policies.

Migration And Land Tenure Changes In The Central Cotton Basin Of Côte D'Ivoire

December, 2022

Migration dynamics have always been at the heart of Ivorian agricultural development. From the colonial era to the present day, the areas of departure have remained virtually unchanged, but the areas of arrival have been modified. The objective of this study is to show the impacts of the dynamics of Senufo cotton migrations on access to land in the central Ivorian cotton basin. After a survey conducted in 23 villages in the sub-prefectures of Tiéningboué and Marandallah, it emerged that migration to the central Ivorian cotton basin is motivated by cotton cultivation.

Contribution A L'Analyse De L'Insecurite Fonciere Dans Les Fronts Pionniers Des Marges Du Pays Bamoun (Ouest -Cameroun )

December, 2020

       Context and backgroundWith many physical and human potentials, the Bamun country in the western highlands of Cameroon, which is an agricultural area excellence is today experiencing serious socio-economic and spatial transformations. The coffee crises, growth in cash crop production and demographic pressure within the former agricultural spaces has favored the movement of producers towards pioneer fronts. The availability of land capital in these new agricultural spaces attracts migrants from other horizons.

Gestion Foncière Et Modes D’Acquisition Des Terres En Contexte Des Migrations Agricoles Dans La Commune De Koutaba (Ouest-Cameroun)

December, 2022
United States of America

Background and Context :Land is a key element for the practice of economic activities such as agriculture. In rural areas, its equitable access is an essential condition for sustainable development and the improvement of the living conditions of populations.

The Practices, Effectiveness And Challenges Of Communal Resource Conflict Management Along North Wollo Amhara And Neighboring Afar In Ethiopia

December, 2022
United States of America

 The area along North Wollo Amhara and neighbouring Afare regional states have been exposed to small scale prolonged violent communal resource conflicts. Many factors drive and triggers for these violent conflicts which includes institutional, political, economic, and environmental change. Therefore, the objective of the research is to explore the practices, effectiveness and challenges of the communal resource conflict resolution and management institutions through case study research design.  To answer these objectives, we used survey, interview, and Focus group discussion.