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Gender, agriculture and rural development in Armenia

Reports & Research
November, 2017

Gender equality is key to eliminating poverty and hunger, and this has been demonstrated by FAO throughout its research across the world. FAO is committed to interventions that seek to reduce gender inequalities and this report has been produced as part of its eff orts to generate evidence and knowledge in compliance with FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality (FAO, 2013a). It is only through closing the gender gap that strategies on sustainable agriculture and rural development can reach their full potential.

Establishment of Land Management Instruments and Institutional Framework to Address Land Abandonment

Reports & Research
January, 2022

The agricultural sector in Armenia contributes around 20 percent to gross domestic product and provides employment to around 40 percent of the country’s labour force. The backbone of agriculture in the country is represented by smallholders and family farms. According to 2014 census data, 317 346 family farms contribute over 97 percent of the total agricultural output and comprise 99 86 percent of all active agricultural holdings.

Armenia Country Profile

Reports & Research
March, 2022

The research only represents a country’s cybersecurity policy to a limited extent and is not an in-depth or complete analysis or assessment of current policy. In order to adapt the exercises to specific countries, it is important to understand the broader strokes of cybersecurity policies of other countries. Our team, therefore, researches publicly available information on cybersecurity policies of countries to adapt the exercises to country-specific needs. The research is shared with participants as background material in preparation for the exercise.

Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management: Republic of Armenia

Reports & Research
November, 2017

This Country Profile (CP) of the Republic of Armenia is the nineteenth in the series and the second review done for the country. The first was prepared in 2004 and the analyses covered only the housing sector. This CP is an in-depth analyses of the housing, urban development and land management sectors of the Republic of Armenia. It provides policy recommendations on these sectors, while focusing on specific challenges and achievements.

Le lac Tchad et N’Djaména une relation porteuse de développement ?

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2010

Les sécheresses des années 1970-1980 et le réchauffement climatique attirent l’attention médiatique sur les risques de disparition du lac Tchad. Alors que la plupart des avis scientifiques contestent cette vision pessimiste, nous proposons ici d’étudier la dynamique des relations entre N’Djaména, capitale sahélienne de plus d’un million

Chad - An Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities in the Development of the Agriculture Subsector

Reports & Research
December, 2021

This Chad agriculture subsector review investigates the state of knowledge, key gaps and recent developments in relation to constraints to the sector and proposes policy actions and levers for future structural transformation of the sector. First, the report examines the opportunities for further development of the most important cash and staple crop value chains in Chad. Then it uses the latest open data and analytics available for Chad to better inform investment priorities for agriculture in the country.

Azerbaijan: Systematic Country Diagnostic Update

Reports & Research
May, 2022

The Azerbaijan Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) Update 2022 identifies the most critical challenges facing the government in the effort to achieve the country’s national goals and the twin goals of eradicating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. It also identifies policy priorities to address these challenges within a changing economic and geopolitical environment. The SCD is a comprehensive evidence-based analysis founded on the latest data and analyses available.

BTI 2022 Country Report Azerbaijan

Reports & Research
April, 2022

During the reporting period, the consolidation of authoritarian rule in Azerbaijan continued. Snap parliamentary elections in February 2020 did not meet international standards for free and fair competition. However, some notorious high-ranking state officials were fired, and corrupt local level administrators detained on corruption charges. These developments, in addition to the appointment of some young professionals to ministerial posts, raised hopes for a possible opening of the country to real reforms and changes.

Azerbaijan: Moving towards more diversified, resilient, and inclusive development

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2020

Azerbaijan has set the course for the economy to reduce its dependence on oil by promoting new drivers of growth. This publication emphasizes the need for diversification, particularly in the agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing sectors. By 2025, under the Strategic Roads Maps of the Government of Azerbaijan, a more diversified economy should take shape led by these three sectors. Bold reforms need to strengthen areas of the economy that could otherwise impede this transition, and policy makers must resolutely stay on the reform path.

Analyse du fonctionnement du Fond de Développement Local (FDL) de la Série de Développement Communautaire de Pokola (Congo)

Reports & Research
May, 2021

La présente étude vise à évaluer le fonctionnement du Fonds de Développement Local (FDL) de la Série de Développement Communautaire de l’UFA Pokola au Congo. Elle se base sur la revue documentaire, des entretiens semi-structurés avec les personnes ressources, les responsables de ménages ainsi que la tenue des focus groups. Les résultats indiquent que les communautés locales et populations autochtones (CLPA) sont impliquées dans les organes de gestion de la Série de Développement Communautaire, organes responsables de la gestion du FDL.

Impact de la gestion foncière sur les espaces agricoles périurbaine à Madingou (Sud-Ouest du Congo)

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2020

À Madingou, la question de la gestion foncière se pose avec acuité, car le développement des espaces urbains empiète sur les terres dévolues à l’agriculture périurbaine. Ce phénomène reconnu par les autorités municipales et les populations est à la fois à l’origine de la croissance anarchique de la ville et au rétrécissement préoccupant des superficies agricoles périurbaines. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser l’impact de la gestion foncière sur l’agriculture périurbaine à Madingou. Elle est réalisée entre janvier et mars 2017.

Les Routes de la Destruction : impacts émergents du développement des infrastructures dans les forêts du bassin du Congo

Reports & Research
September, 2021

Un rapport de RFUK révèle l'étendue et l'impact croissants du développement des infrastructures de transport et d'énergie dans le bassin du Congo - qui est en passe de devenir un moteur majeur de la déforestation dans la deuxième plus grande forêt tropicale du monde.