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Displaying 145 - 156 of 1447

The Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: a historic opportunity

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2015

In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are to be adopted in the context of the Post-2015 Agenda. In what way do the SDGs differ from the Millennium Development Goals? What does the community of states expect from their introduction? Our authors describe the background of the process and the latest developments in the debate.

Captain Iglo mustn’t come to Africa!

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2015

During the last few years, the donor community has increased its efforts to reduce the large amounts of fish lost in the distribution chain in artisanal fishery, an endeavour that ought to be welcomed in principle. However, focusing on one single solution, the development of an expensive cool chain and the supply of fresh or frozen fish, represents a massive interference with the traditional processing and distribution channels, with women being the main losers. Our author calls for more foresight in international co-operation.

Food and nutrition security in the SDGs – where are we heading?

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2015

The demand to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger has been the centrepiece of the Millennium Development Goals; the first MDG stands for the inextricable link between poverty and people’s ability to access safe, nutritious and sufficient food. How will the objective of achieving global food and nutrition security be embedded in the SDGs? Will the SDGs be a further step towards this target?

Markets for the many rather than the few

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2013

A development policy opting exclusively for value chain development and the integration of producers in modern markets overlooks the reality for the majority of smallholders, our author maintains. Policy should pay greater attention to addressing the area most small-scale producers are active in: the informal sector.

Documenting Customary Tenure in Myanmar: A guidebook (First Edition)

Manuals & Guidelines
January, 2017

This guidebook provides conceptual, legal and practical tools and resources to help civil society organizations guide communities through the process of documenting customary tenure at the local level. It also provides suggestions for how to build on the momentum generated by the documentation process to develop strategies and actions to defend, strengthen and promote customary rights at community, regional and national level. The guidebook was developed out of practical experience and conversations with local groups in Myanmar that have been documenting customary tenure.

Khmer Version of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT)

Manuals & Guidelines
December, 2016

FAO published its Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security in 2012. The purpose of these guidelines is to serve as reference and to provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forest with the overarching goal of achieving food security for all and to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

Irrigation Restoration and Development Project Resettlement Policy Framework

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2010

From the document's preface: "This draft Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) sets out the general principles and policies to be followed in connection with any land acquisition and resultant resettlement which will occur during the implementation of the proposed Irrigation Restoration and Development Project scheduled to commence in 2011.

Adapter l’agriculture africaine au changement climatique

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2011

Le changement climatique exacerbe la situation de pauvreté dans les pays en développement. L’Afrique rurale est particulièrement touchée par ce phénomène. Bien que des mesures d’adaptation efficaces soient connues et aient été intégrées dans les plans d’action nationaux pour l’adaptation au changement climatique, les financements internationaux ne suivent pas et ne suffisent pas à répondre aux besoins.

Agricultura Familiar Brasileira: Desafios e Perspectivas de Futuro

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2017

A Agricultura Brasileira se destaca entre as maiores do mundo e representa uma fonte de alimentos e de matéria prima para muitos países. Nela estão presentes diversos modos de fazer Agricultura, entre os quais a produção Agrícola Familiar, encontrada em extensas e importantes regiões do país. A agricultura familiar no Brasil é crescentemente uma forma social de produção reconhecida pela sociedade brasileira, por suas contribuições materiais e imateriais.


May, 1985

Providing the Procedrues and Guidelines for the Expeditious Acquisitions by the Government of Private Real Properties or Rights thereon for Infrastruture and other Goernment Development Projects

Método de análise econômico-ecológica de agroecossistemas

Manuals & Guidelines
February, 2017

Este documento apresenta um método de análise econômico-ecológica

de agroecossistemas. O desenvolvimento do método se fundou

na necessidade de dar visibilidade a relações econômicas, ecológicas

e políticas que singularizam os modos de produção e de vida da agricultura

familiar, povos e comunidades tradicionais e que têm sido

historicamente ocultadas ou descaracterizadas pela teoria econômica

convencional. As contundentes evidências empíricas do fracasso dos