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Plan de acción “AGRO 2003-2015”

Reports & Research
November, 2003
United States of America
Central America
Latin America and the Caribbean

En el marco de la Segunda Reunión Ministerial sobre Agricultura y Vida Rural en el contexto del proceso Cumbres de las Américas, los(as) Ministros(as), Secretarios (as) de Agricultura de las Américas, reunidos(as) en la ciudad de Panamá acordaron adoptar el PLAN DE ACCIÓN “AGRO 2003-2015” PARA LA AGRICULTURA Y LA VIDA RURAL DE LAS AMÉRICAS.

Claves para promover el desarrollo económico local

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2006

El presente artículo está basado en una presentación ofrecida en el seminario "La agricultura latinoamericana frente a las negociaciones comerciales (OMCbilaterales): movilización social y articulación internacional", convocado por el Grupo de Trabajo en Agricultura de la Alianza Social Continental y otras organizaciones en Rio de Janeiro (21-22 agosto 2008).

Resultados do Programa UE-PAANE 2011-2016 (Guiné-Bissau)

Reports & Research
January, 2017

O presente documento apresenta um resumo dos principais resultados do Programa de Apoio aos Atores Não Estatais (UE-PAANE) “Nô Pintcha Pa Dizinvolvimentu” financiado integramente pela União Europeia e implementado na República da Guiné Bissau, entre 2011 e 2016, pelo consórcio do qual faz parte a Organização Não Governamental (ONG) portuguesa Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF) e a empresa portuguesa CESO CI Internacional SA (CESO CI).

Clarifying roles in extension processes

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2014

Rural extension services are an extremely complex affair. This is due to the wide range of constellations in which farmers operate nowadays, and also to the large number of players who are active in advisory services, with their different tasks, values and mandates. With reference to Germany’s rural extension services, our author shows who is taking on which role and where conflicts might potentially arise.

An ambitious post-2015 development agenda will depend on soils

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2015

The sustainable management of soils is crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This is evidenced by the analysis of the role soils play across the proposed agenda. However, some key aspects have not been sufficiently considered so far. Moreover, the SDGs will place increased demand on soils. Further advocacy is therefore needed to ensure that important soil and land related issues remain in the final declaration of the post-2015 agenda.

Many actors, little coordination

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2014

As with other countries, agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) in Malawi are provided by public, private, and non-profit organisations. While it has become commonplace to refer to this collection of actors as a system, this claim is only valid in the loosest of terms, as many of the component parts do not functionally interact with others in an operational sense, tending rather to function as independent sub-networks within larger national, and international spheres of exchange.

Monitoring progress on agriculture and rural development

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will amount to little unless backed by reliable indicators. Only with good metrics can the agenda be implemented and progress measured. Just like the SDGs themselves, the indicators are still in the discussion phase, with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) one of the many players in this process. They outline their recommendations in the following article, using rural development as an example to describe them.

Nature as a commodity, or: Does nature have a value?

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2015

Is it right to attach financial values to nature and to incorporate that valuation into the post-2015 agenda? Will such valuation help to protect species diversity and ecosystems? Or does it not rather harbour the risk that we cheerfully go on destroying nature since other aspects of the national accounts can be seen as compensation? Civil society is split on this issue. Our author points out why.