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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1153 - 1164 of 2807

Spatial Information Law.

Western Europe

The present Law enforces, inter alia, the Federal Spatial Information Act of 5 October 2007. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to the survey and use of spatial base data of the Canton, the communities and other designated public entities, and to the management of the spatial data information system. The text consists of 24 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I);Spatial base data catalogue (II); Public legal restrictions on landownership cadastre (III); Financing and fees (IV); Data protection and legal protection (V); Final provisions (VI).

Land Register Fees Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the levying of fees for land registration. The text consists of 21 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: Fundamental provisions (I); Authentication fees (II); Registration, provisional entries and annotation fees (III); Other fees (IV); Final and transitional provisions (V).

Decree on official survey.

Western Europe

The present Decree enforces federal legislation on the subject. In particular, article 1 establishes that the federal law determines the content and requirements of cadastral surveying. The text consists of 23 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Marking (II); Official survey (III); Cantonal share of costs (IV); Management, tracking and delivery of data and extracts (V); Transitional and final provisions (VI).

Implemented by: Ordinance on official survey. (1999-03-30)

Reglamento de la Ley Agraria en Materia de Ordenamiento de la Propiedad Rural.

Central America

El presente ordenamiento, que consta de 7 títulos, 167 artículos y 8 transitorios, es reglamentario de la Ley Agraria, y tiene por objeto establecer los procedimientos y lineamientos aplicables para el ordenamiento de la propiedad rural, así como para la expropiación de terrenos ejidales y comunales.

Implementa: Ley Agraria, 1992. (2017-02-02)
Revocado por: Reglamento de la Ley Agraria en Materia de Ordenamiento de la Propiedad Rural. (2012-11-23)

Registered Land Rules (Cap. 58:01).

Eastern Africa

These Rules implement provisions of the Registered Land Act by, among other things: prescribing forms for purposes of the Act; providing with respect to verification of instruments for purposes of section 105 of the Act by persons specified in the Fifth Schedule other than the Registrar; providing with respect to fees required to be paid under the Act; listing certain clauses that shall be considered to be included by agreement in a charge regarding land or lease; and requiring a charge created by a company registered under the Companies Act to be registered under that Act as a prerequisite

Ordinance on initiating and operating of cadastre by means of computer procedure.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance enforces the Federal Ordinance on the cadastre of 23 September 2011. Article 1 establishes that the land register in the Canton Schwyz is operated in the whole Canton Schwzy by means of modern methods and technology. The text consists of 17 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Technical implementing provisions (II); Organization and operation (III); Transitional and final provisions (IV).

Implements: Ordonnance sur le registre foncier (ORF). (2011-09-23)

Ordinance on inclusion of land of the Canton, the districts and communities, as well as church property in the land register.

Western Europe

Article 1 of the present Ordinance establishes that land of the Canton, districts and communities, as well as church property shall be recorded in the land register. The text – consisting of 12 articles – deals with the following aspects: obligatory registration, proceedings, settlement of disputes, restriction of property, fees.

Ordinance on fees and conditions of use in the sphere of spatial information (Spatial Information Fees Ordinance).

Western Europe

The present Ordinance enforces the Cantonal Ordinance on spatial information of 24 June 2010. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the levying of fees for services rendered in the sphere of geo-data information.

Ascertainment of Boundaries Act (Cap. 180).

Central America

This Act concerns proceedings of the Supreme Court of Judicature to ascertain the boundaries of land held under any title or of any national land in case that there is any doubt as to the extent, identity, or boundaries of such land. Proceedings under this Act may be commenced or defended by any person (except those as specified in this Act) interested in any land which is or may be affected by the proceedings. Where national land is or may be so affected, whether directly or indirectly, proceedings may be taken by or against the Crown in accordance with the Crown Proceedings Act.

Land Title Registration Act 2011 (No. 51 of 2011).

Northern America

This Act provides for the registration of title in land in the Bermudas. It establishes the Land Title Registry Office and defines the general powers of registrar. This Act does not affect the law of property in Bermuda as it applies to estates, interests or dealings in land that are not registered or required to be registered under this Act. The registrar shall establish and maintain the land title register and the cautions register. The cautions register shall include an individual register for each caution against the first registration of title to an unregistered estate.