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Historical evolution of agrifood systems in Odisha, India

December, 2022

The TAFSSA CGIAR Initiative is hosting a series of webinars to highlight research from South Asia on food security, sustainable healthy diets, farmer livelihoods and resilience, and land, air, and groundwater conservation. For the ninth webinar on November 21, Dr. Anindita Sarkar (Professor at the Department of Geography at Miranda House, University of Delhi) will present.

Africa agriculture trade monitor 2023

December, 2022

The 2023 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor, a flagship publication of AKADEMIYA2063 and the International Food Policy Research Institute, provides an overview of trade in agriculture in Africa, including analysis of short- and long-term trends and drivers behind Africa’s global trade, intra-African trade, and trade within Africa’s regional economic communities.

Gender and social inclusion impact of climate change, COVID shocks and stresses on agriculture and food systems in Tanzania: The case of Maasai women in Chalinze district

December, 2022

Consideration to gender matters is important for the equity of climate change adaptation programs and effective food security. The overlaying global socioecological emergencies of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic have simultaneously impacted food security. The study assessed the impacts of climate change and COVID-19 outbreak on food security among Maasai using gender lenses. The paper is a result of mixed-methods research design that mainly relied on interviews, focus group discussion, and questionnaire.

Analyzing the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Kenya’s agrifood systems and policy responses

December, 2022

This policy brief examines the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war on Kenya’s agrifood systems, focusing on its impact on food security and the country’s policy responses to counter the effects of the war. Drawing from official data, scholarly articles, institution reports, and online news sources, this brief encompasses the period from January 2019 to February 2023 to provide a nuanced understanding of the events leading up to and following the conflict.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict and global food security

December, 2022

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, sparking fears of a global food crisis, IFPRI responded rapidly to the need for information and policy advice to address the crisis. From the first moments of the conflict, a new IFPRI blog series provided critical information and insights into the impacts on food security, caused by rising food, fertilizer, and fuel prices and trade disruptions, for vulnerable countries and regions.

Global food policy report 2023: Rethinking food crisis responses

December, 2022
United States of America

This decade has been marked by multiple, often overlapping, crises. The COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and the ongoing war in Ukraine have all threatened the fabric of our global food systems. But opportunities can be found amid crises, and the world’s food systems have demonstrated surprising resilience. With new evidence on what works, now is the time to rethink how we address food crises.

Situation report on Nepal’s agrifood systems : June 2023

December, 2022

Data from May indicates a persistent trend of modest price increases in Nepal. Year-on-year inflation for food and beverage prices was recorded at 5.5 percent, which, though lower compared to 6.9 percent in the previous month and significantly less than in April and May 2022, still denotes an escalation in food prices from an already elevated base. While the high inflation rate impacts all consumers, it is likely to disproportionately strain the finances of the poor, potentially jeopardizing food security. Moreover, the inflation rates for non-food items and services surged to 8.9 percent.

LAND-at-scale Egypt

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2024
Northern Africa

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Egypt. This project is implemented by GIZ Egypt, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency (RVO). 

Land Squeeze

Reports & Research
March, 2024

Land is critical to the lives, livelihoods, and food security of millions of people across the world. But a series of unprecedented pressures on global farmland are now accelerating and converging. This land squeeze is driving a surge in land inequality, rural poverty, and food insecurity – and risking a tipping point for smallholder agriculture.

Le foncier rural en Algérie : de l’autogestion à la concession agricole (1962-2018)

Reports & Research
August, 2024

Ce cahier fait la synthèse des dynamiques du foncier rural en Algérie depuis les années 1960. Il analyse en trois temps le processus de transition qui a conduit le pays de l’autogestion à la concession des terres observé au cours de ces cinquante dernières années. Basé sur une documentation riche comme la consultation d’archives et la réalisation d’enquêtes auprès d’acteurs clé durant plusieurs années, il aborde la question des structures agraires et  des évolutions de la paysannerie algérienne ainsi que des politiques publiques agricoles qui s’y rattachent.

Amahoro@Scale longitudinal study

Reports & Research
September, 2024

The context of Nyanza-Lac is both complex and interesting for researching land issues. It has a very high population density (more than 50% of the whole population of Makamba Province lives in Nyanza-Lac) and attracts flows of intra- and interregional migrants in search of fertile land and income-generating opportunities in the area.