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Report of the high level expert group meeting on agriculture and environment

Reports & Research
December, 1998

Food insecurity is expected to accelerate substantially in sub-Saharan Africa where available evidence suggests that environmental degradation such as soil erosion, desertification and deforestation is seriously depend for increasing their agricultural productivity. As a result, about 44 percent of Africa's population live below the poverty line earning an income of about $39 per month.

Technological transitions: technical upgrading of indigenous food technologies in Africa

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2000

This paper highlights the importance of food processing and preservation as an essential component of national strategic plans for food security. Features of indigenous technologies are discussed. Experiences in upgrading indigenous technologies for food processing in Africa as well as examples of current best practices are given.

Popularization and application of available and suitable technologies to increase food production in Africa

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1989

The population of African countries is likely to double over the next twenty years. How will these nations be able to feed themselves if a substantial part of their food has to be imported, especially as most of these countries also have to import their energy? This is the real of challenge facing African countries at the close of this century.

Subregional co-operation on the production of tubers and cerals in east and southern Africa, with particular emphasis on the role of women

Conference Papers & Reports
April, 1988

The scale and persistence of the food crisis in Africa during the last

20 years is of the gravest concern to African governments as well as to the international community. Food production is not able to keep pace with population growth and many countries in the continent have become increasingly dependent on imports of food stuffs originating from international aid.

Examen de la situation de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture en Afrique

Conference Papers & Reports
September, 1960

La production alimentaire par habitant semble, depuis trois ans,

étre tombée au-dessous du niveau d'avant-guerre. Les statistiques de production relatives aux cultures alimentaires essentielles et aux produits du betail en Afrique comportent une marge d'erreur considérable de sorte que ces données ne peuvent être considerées au mieux que comme des indications approximatives des tendances qui se sent probablèment exercées.

Land tenure systems and their impacts on food security and sustainable development in Africa

Reports & Research
December, 2004

This report is the first in a series of research studies that the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will produce with a view to improving the understanding of the links between land tenure systems and sustainable development in Africa. In a continent where 80 percent of the population relies on agriculture for their livelihood, the formulation and implementation of appropriate land policies is a paramount factor in poverty reduction strategies. Research is therefore needed to help policymakers take learned decisions when addressing land tenure issues.

Regional and subregional intergovernmental organizations in Africa for the development of food and agriculture (including fisheries and forestry)

Conference Papers & Reports
July, 1977

This document focuses on the regional and sub regional intergovernmental organizations in Africa for the development of food and agriculture. There are about 50 sub regional and regional African intergovernmental organizations engaged wholly or partially in the development of food and agriculture. Some of these organizations have in turn sponsored interstate enterprises or organizations, which are run either under their own jurisdiction or independently.

Propositions pour le développement du secteur alimentaire et agricole 1986-1990

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 1985

L’adoption du Plan de Lagos en 1980 est la décision politique, économique et sociale la plus importante prise par l’Afrique depuis l’établissement de la charte de l’OAU en 1963. Dans la période 1980-83, la production par habitant a baissé de 2,7 pour cent par an pour l’agriculture et de 2,9 pour cent par an pour le seul sous-secteur alimentaire.

Regional and subregional intergovernmental organizations in Africa partially or wholly devoted to the development of the agricultural sector

Reports & Research
June, 1978

The objective of the OCAM, established en the basis of the solidarity existing between its member States is, in keeping with the spirit of the OAU, to strengthen co-operation and solidarity between African States and Mauritius, in order to accelerate their economic, social, technological and cultural development.

Government measures to promote the transition form subsistence to market agriculture

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1964

The FAO/ECA Expert Meeting on Government Measures to Promote the Transition from Subsistence to Market Agriculture in Africa was held at Addis Ababa from 27 April to 7 May 1964. The attached paper summarizing the main findings and recommendations of the meeting was prepared as a working document for the Third FAO Regional Conference for Africa, held at Addis Ababa from 3 to 15 September 1964.