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Rizipiscicultura: alternativa para la seguridad alimentaria

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Rice-fish farming: A food security alternative Rice-fish farming is a biological or clean production system that consists of the simultaneous farming of rice and fish on the same land and at the same time; in other words, in the plots flooded for rice cultivation. Rice is the main product and has greater economic importance, whereas the fish is both a source of additional income and a protein supplement that improves the nutritional quality of farmers’ diets.

Feeding a productive dairy cow in western Kenya: environmental and socioeconomic impacts

Reports & Research
October, 2018
Eastern Africa

Send a Cow (SAC) is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that has been working in Kenya since 1996. It focuses on groups of smallholder farmers, providing them with training in sustainable agriculture and improved animal management. SAC is mostly active in western Kenya, one of the country's most populated and poorest region. The population density for this region ranges from 337 to 1,300 inhabitants per km² with an average density of 590 people per km2 (Kenya Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2001; KNBS, 2010).

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Costa Rica

Policy Papers & Briefs
October, 2014
Costa Rica
Central America
South America

The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand.

Village Land Management a few years on – what has changed?

Reports & Research
June, 2019

Since 2010, the GIZ Land Programme in Lao PDR has sought to improve the land tenure security of rural communities. The programme currently consists of three projects – the BMZ-commissioned Land Management and Decentralised Planning (LMDP) Project, the Enhanced Land Tenure Security (ELTeS) sub-project within a global programme on responsible land policy, as well as the German contribution to the Mekong River Land Governance (MRLG) Initiative.

Sensitization of private agricultural investors on responsible land investment in Uganda

Reports & Research
June, 2019

The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) created the Special Initiative “One world, No hunger” aimed to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty. Special focus is on Action Area 6 “Promotion of responsible land use and improvement of access to land”. The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) has presently implemented the Global Programme on Responsible Land Policy in 6 countries: Peru, Laos, Benin, Madagascar, Ethiopia and Uganda.

Enhancing food security through forest landscape restoration

Reports & Research
December, 2014

The case studies from Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, the Philippines and Viet Nam highlight how forest landscape restoration (FLR) interventions enhance food security. They illustrate the ‘win-win’ solutions that can enhance land functionality and productivity, develop resilient food systems and explore the long-term potential outputs and enabling conditions for FLR interventions.

Model Contract for Outgrower Schemes

Agreements & Contracts
November, 2018
Eastern Africa

This draft model contract was developed on the basis of the drafts “Proclamation to Provide for Agricultural Production and Marketing Contracts in Ethiopia” later modified and renamed as “Proclamation to Provide for the Establishment of the Central and Regional Contract Farming Coordinating bodies and Regulation of Contract Farming Contract Formulation” as well as international best practices.

Principles, methodology and strategy for promoting the African green revolution : a design and training manual

Reports & Research
September, 2004

Now and again, it has been argued that lack of appropriate/improved technologies and non-use of complementary improved inputs are the root causes of the African vicious circle of low agricultural productivity, food shortage, low income and perpetual poverty. These constraints necessitate the African countries putting the applications of science and technology at the core of their vision and strategies for food security, poverty eradication and sustainable development.

Rapport récapitulatif des principales activités du groupe conseil FAO/CEA pour le développement des industries alimentaires en Afrique 1980-1981

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 1981

Les activites entreprises par le Groupe conseil en application de la deuxième partie de la même résolution qui demande inventorier les précédes technologiques de production de farines composées, doivent en principe etre achèvées, en 1982.

Review of the food and agricultural situation in Africa

Reports & Research
September, 1960

The rate of increase of agricultural production, and especially food production, in Africa appears to have slowed down in the last few years. For 1959/60, the latest season for which data are available, provisional estimates indicate that there was a slight fall in production from the level of the previous year. On a per caput basis, food production appears to have fallen below the prewar level for the last three years.